
Volleyball Question!?

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I am trying out 4 vball in about 3 weeks and I just wanna kno wat should i practice on thats important,what should i wear,and what store will hav everything i need.

p.s. this is my first time trying out 4 a v-ball team and i am going in2 the 7th grade!




  1. I played on the junior high team last year. If you're trying out for school team or a league, it's DEFINITELY going to be competitive.

    I've had these black shorts for a while and I love them. I got them from JCPenny. I think they're in the woman's athletic department. They have two white stripes on each side. They come in black, navy blue, and rosemary. I prefer the black ones cause they seem more athletic :).

    You'll really need to practice on your serving and your passing. Neither is more important than the other. But it's really important to KEEP CONSISTENT KILLER SERVES. If you do that, the coach will love you.

    On serving, you absolutely have to have underhand serving down. Once u can do underhand serves over and over again, your ready for overhand serves. Overhand serves are what people look for in a really great volleyball player. You don't have to have them right away, but as long as you have them at least halfway through the season, that's great. Look on the website below to see how to do a great overhand serve. Me, personally, I like using a fist instead of an open hand. Also, aim for the bottom of the ball so it'll go higher. Use this, if you looked at a ball from the side, and it were a clock, you should be hitting it between 4 and 5 o'clock. (If you get really good, don't hit it too hard or it'll go out of bounds. I've had that problem many times ;))

    As for shoes, regular tennis shoes should work. Make sure they're comfortable for YOU. Also, it doesn't matter what shirt you're wearing, just make sure you're wearing a normal T'shirt. For me, it's important that it's not too big. DO NOT wear a Tank Top  and DO NOT wear ANYTHING denim.

    I think the most important thing is to listen to the coach. For a good first impression, stand tall and at least ACT like a really great volleyball player. Don't mess around. Do your best. You'll be GREAT!

  2. alright, important things to practice on.....

    bumping(or passing), setting, and underhand serving(since your in 7th grade...once your in high school overhand is mandatory but don't worry about that for now). also you can practice on spiking and blocking  too a bit(especially if you're tall)

    if you're not sure what any of these are just youtube them individually

    to get examples.

    what to wear:

    just a short sleeved tshirt, knee pads,athletic shorts, and athletic(running or volleyball) shoes.

    make sure to have your hair tightly secured up in a ponytail or bun for tryouts too.

    a good place to find all of of these items is academy if you have one in your area and if not, walmart....or online.

    hope this helps! and good luck!

    just remember to have a good, enthusiastic attitude for tryouts...thats what coaches are really looking for...girls with potential and coachability! they don't expect you to already be perfect at everything.

  3. since its your first time going into volleyball, and its a junior high team, work on you're passing a lot! i cannot stress that enough. also, you're setting. coaches don't expect everyone to be a hitter, but if you can set well, you'll stand out. alsot try and be consisten with your serving.  just wear a t-shirt and some comfortable, easy to move in shorts. i don't think being in junior high you'll wear spandex yet, i know all the schools down here don't until high school, so wear some like soffee shorts or soemthing like that. good luck! :)

  4. Have someone serve the ball to you and practice things like blocking, bumping, and setting. And then practice serving the ball to someone else. Modells or ***** Sporting Good's probably has all the necessities of volleyball. I suggest watching Olympic volleyball, or pro volleyball. When you carefully watch them you get a general idea of what to do.

    Good Luck

    I'm joining my volleyball team this year too
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