
Volleyball Rule question?

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Here is the situation: my team returns a serve, the ball crosses over the net but is clearly going out of bounds on the other side. To prevent the ball from going too far away, an opponent player runs out of bounds and catches it before it lands out of bounds. Is it a foul? That is, should my team get the point and ball back? I was told that you should never touch an out of bounds ball before it lands.

Please clarify the official rule. Thanks.




  1. Technically, yes you get the point and the ball back. However, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, you should let the other team know you will be enforcing that.  I have also been told to never touch the ball before it lands, but some people don't play that way.

  2. the person (or side) that hit the ball before going out of bounds is the side creating the foul. Point for the other side.

  3. The volleyball is only out if it hits the out of bounds or out of the line.So it is still in play if someone hits it and it doesn't touch the ground.

  4. If the ball passed between the antennas and was going out of bounds, it was still in play and would be a violation and would be a loss of rally in favor of your team.  

    If the ball had passed over or outside the antenna, it is a different situation.  In junior high and high school rules, the ball is dead.  In women's college, it is in play if there is sufficient room and the team hitting the ball may run around the pole and retrieve it.  If it is touched by the other team there, it is a violation.  USAV is the same as women's college except that the player may run under the net outside the court to play that ball.

  5. If the ball had touched the ground first or was out of play then the other team would take over possession but you are correct in the situation you described your team should have recieved the point a served again.

  6. The player touching the ball makes it a live ball.  Your point.

  7. if your team hits it over and the opponent does not allow it to touch the ground then its yalls ball...... the ball can not be touched before hitting the ground in order to be called out!

  8. your team would get the point, that would be called as a touch

  9. yes it is a foul


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    if your team hits it over and the opponent does not allow it to touch the ground then its yalls ball...... the ball can not be touched before hitting the ground in order to be called out!

    5 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by sportyarteest 5 hours ago

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    Technically, yes you get the point and the ball back. However, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, you should let the other team know you will be enforcing that. I have also been told to never touch the ball before it lands, but some people don't play that way.

    5 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by Karen 5 hours ago

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    According to the rules, any player touching a ball in bounds or out of bounds then commits his/her team to playing it. Since the opposing team didn't volley the ball to your side of the net, it is your point. Now, that being said, you said the ball was clearly going out of bounds, in a gentlemanly game, you should have conceded the point, and given them the serve. Perhaps a clarification of that rule before the next itme you play will rectify the problem next time.


    5 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by Stevo 5 hours ago

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    If the ball had touched the ground first or was out of play then the other team would take over possession but you are correct in the situation you described your team should have recieved the point a served again.

    5 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by crazy48 5 hours ago

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    The player touching the ball makes it a live ball. Your point.

    5 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by Shabbatime 5 hours ago

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    tues <3


    The volleyball is only out if it hits the out of bounds or out of the line.So it is still in play if someone hits it and it doesn't touch the ground.


    volleyball player - 2 years and going

    5 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by tues <3 5 hours ago

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    If you are playing in a school team or a club team the ball should go to you. one girl on a team i was playing followed the ball to the court line (like you are supposed to) she saw it was out and stopped, the ball hit her foot and bounced away. al though it was clearly out the ref gave us the ball because she touched it before it hit the ground. Plus in the subject of catching a ball, according to the official rulebook, the ball is automatically out of play if any player catches the ball.


    The USA Volleyball Domestic Competition Regulations Handbook, Rule 9.3.3

    4 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by Hails 4 hours ago

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    that should be yalls ball.

    3 hours ago - Report Abuse



    by JJ 3 hours ago

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    jay marcus


    the person (or side) that hit the ball before going out of bounds is the side creating the foul. Point for the other side.


    still playing

    2 hours ago - Report Abuse

  10. If you are playing in a school team or a club team the ball should go to you.  one girl on a team i was playing followed the ball to the court line (like you are supposed to) she saw it was out and stopped, the ball hit her foot and bounced away.  al though it was clearly out the ref gave us the ball because she touched it before it hit the ground.  Plus in the subject of catching a ball, according to the official rulebook, the ball is automatically out of play if any player catches the ball.

  11. that should be yalls ball.

  12. According to the rules, any player touching a ball in bounds or out of bounds then commits his/her team to playing it. Since the opposing team didn't volley the ball to your side of the net, it is your point. Now, that being said, you said the ball was clearly going out of bounds, in a gentlemanly game, you should have conceded the point, and given them the serve. Perhaps a clarification of that rule before the next itme you play will rectify the problem next time.


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