
Volleyball Scholarship?

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Ive been playing volleyball in high school for 3 years, and I have a few questions about volleyball scholarships.

1. Are volleyball scholarships offered anywhere other than the USA?

2. Do you have to be from the US to get a scholarship there?

3. How hard is it to get a scholarship, what are the requirements?

4. Can you play on a college volleyball team without having a scholarship?

Any answers are appreciated.

Thank You.




  1. 1.Yes but its a very slim chance you will get a scholarship out of the states because in the states they are somewhat based upon sports rather on education well thats some schools. Like in the states they are more about sports rather any thing else(sports are a big thing)

    2.No you dont. But it is easiest if you do go to school in the states because there are more scouts there. If you are a really good player that really sticks out you can get a scholarship like some of my friends.

    3.Its not hard but not easy to get one. Depending on what you play and how well you play it. Well they require you to play the sport, and play it well, they want you to be 100% commited to the sport and i think you need to have at least a 65% avg(65% if you are an okay player if you are like AMAZING you can have a lower mark but not a fail)

    4.You can play, but there is a slim chance you will make the team because they scout many players to be on their team and they have returning athletes from last years team. You should still try out because they might not  seen you play before and whats the worst that could happen. But you could play for their intermural teams.

  2. 1) I am not sure about scholarships anywhere outside the US

    2)  You do not have to be from the US to get a scholarship.  There are many foreign born players in the US.  

    3)  It is not hard to get a scholarship, but it is not easy either.  You can research scholarships at the NCAA link below.  

    4)  Most college teams do not offer scholarships.  The NCAA D1 schools offer scholarships.  That only covers about 330 schools.  There is also NCAA D2 and D3 schools.  NJCAA and NAIA schools also.  Some offer scholarships, but most do not offer athletic scholarships.  They will help you get an academic or hardship scholarship.

  3. hi!!!! i'm taking scholarships from the university volleyball team after the championship finishes, at the end of semester... u must assign a paper from the time u will be in the college.  i'm not in USA by the way....

    I think it doesn't matter if u are not from the US

    Good luck!!!!

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