
Volleyball Serving?

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I use to have a super good serve for volleyball. That was in 7th 8th grade. Now that im older.. I can't serve at all. I have tryed everything. I seemed to lost all my power. I am really good at hitting. Im tall and i play middle. But i wanna play what we called "full round" and play all the time. So i need to serve good. ANY IDEAS?!! please and thank you.




  1. just keep serving and you'll get better, i played for 2 years and it helps.

    good luck!

  2. face towards the court, than fallow through with your arm to toward where you want the ball to go.

    Also if you want to be stronger cut a slit in a tennis ball and fill it with pennies. than use it to practice your serve. (just hold it, don't actually hit it)

    Lifting weights will make you stronger too. good luck

  3. what do when i serve is during practice i do whqat i call a straight arm. it's when i just keep my arm straight i find that when you serve this the ball goes more stragith foreward and up not up so it's one of those really good serves that usually gets you an ace and only about two of teammates have ever gotten that ball to the setter after i serve it at them. but in a game when i'm not totally confident in the serve i just do a regular serve and to help you serve i suggest you always serve from the same place behind the line youre ball might end up going to the same place but you'll always know how much force and if want the ball to go different places then step and point your toe a different direction.

  4. If you are really good at hitting, then you can serve. You just have to adjust for your new height. It's all in the cupping of the hand and the placement of the hand on the ball when you strike it.

    Just practice and don't try to do it the same way you did when you were several inches shorter.

  5. well what seves do you use ?


    i find overhands easier with aim but

    under easier to "free ball"

    practice each type of seve 20 times a day

  6. Start 10 feet away from the net, and practice your form (which your probably know already). Once you get used to the motions again, add power and, for every 3 serves you make in a row, take a step back. Keep doing this until you get behind the line. It's better to start close and then back up, since seeing yourself make the ball over the net can be very encouraging.

    After you get the basic motions down, you can start targeting your serves and adjusting your motions for floaters, top spins, and other styles.

  7. You need to focus all your attention when you serve!!

    Act like your left arm is attached to your left leg so when your arm goes up so does your leg!! Make sure you're throwing the ball up high enough and that you are hitting the ball with the palm of your hand!! Make sure you are also pulling your arm back far enough sort of like an arrow and hit it hard!! I used 2 suck at serving and once i did these things I was 1 if the best on the team!

    P.S. Live by my modo, "Peace, love, and volleyball!"

  8. build up ur muscle. try weight lifting

  9. The windmill serve is worth developing. It takes practice and time to get it going properly - but a practice volleyball and a wall is all you need. If you relax more, you will add more spin to the ball. You won't tire yourself out with this serve, because you can use your bodyweight. When you won too many points, you can go back to a spike serve...

  10. When I serve, I usually step up to the ball and then throw the ball a little in front of where I am standing. That way, I continue my forward momentum when I hit the ball, which helps me to generate a lot more force on my serves.

    You can also try hopping a little to add some more power... just make sure you can control your serves so that about 90% of them get over the net AND onto the other court.


  11. its not about power...its about form...low toss out in front...stop in to it....hit it hard but stop right after u do hit it..its called pop and stop...your serve will float to the other side making it harder to pass

  12. Here is how to overhand

    If you are a righty, face your left foot towards the net, slightly in front of your right foot. If you slid your feet to be right next to each other, your left heel should just about touch the tips of your right toes. If you are a lefty, do the opposite for all of these directions.

    Hold the ball with your left hand. Your elbow shouldn't touch your side, but it should be at most two inches away from it. From there, your forearm should extend parallel to the ground. Your elbow should be raised above your head.

    Raise your right arm. Your hand should be stretched out as much as it can be in what some coaches call "the painful hand." The side of your hand opposite to your palm should be held about five inches away from your right ear, tilted horizontally.

    Toss the ball in front of your hitting hand... high.

    To accomplish a good swing, it will take some practice. Quickly and smoothly, turn your elbow so that it is in front of you then extend your arm out in a smooth swing.

    As you swing, take a step so that your right foot is in front of your left.

    Once you have mastered the serve, trying flicking your wrist when you hit the ball for some spin.

    Here are some tips for overhand

    Perfect your underhand serve first, so if you have a bad overhand serving day, you are always confident with that!

    Make sure that the ball is filled with air or else it will fall flat on the ground.

    Practice makes perfect, so practice this a lot!

    Try different variations to the above steps; different things work for different people.

    Don't punch the ball ("shot put"), swing at it.

    If you're having trouble with your serve, try practicing just the toss. If you throw it up and just let it drop, it should land slightly in front of and to the right of your left foot, which should still be in the position in front of your right foot, before the step. Practice this fifty times a day and your serve should seriosuly improve.

    Using your momentum can help a lot especially if you have a small body. Really just whale on the ball. You need a lot of strength to get your serve over the net.

    If you feel like you would be more comfortable taking a few steps or jumping while serving, you should try a jump serve.

    Make sure not to "slap" the ball. Hit it hard with the palm of your hand.

    Get comfortable with how the ball will go where you toss it. For example, when you toss the ball far out in front, the ball will travel flat. In order to serve a nice loopy, short ball, toss the ball a little closer to your shoulder. Balls that drop inside the 3-meter line is extremely deadly for the opposing team.

    You should be able to hear a solid thud when you hit the ball if it is a good serve.

    Make sure you follow through, sometimes if you don't the ball may travel a different direction.

    If you stop practicing for long periods of time, you may lose the skill of serving a volleyball.

    Lifting weights may help!

    Just do your best!

      Good luck

  13. ask your coach! i'd serve underhand for awhile....but @ practice try at least 5 overhands a night!

  14. Practice with very little power. Just get it over the net and focus on which part of the hand you are hitting it with. As you find yourself hitting with that part of the hand you are most comfortable try bringing the power up a bit. Do this until you feel that you can successfully bring the ball over the net while giving it some Gusto. Good luck.

  15. have you're friends challenge you.......

    like every time in you're breaks or free time play a volleyball....

    you can play with older people [older in you're age] to challenge you and you're friends......

    and in summer try to practice everyday!!!

    P.S== underhand service is quite easier......☺
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