
Volleyball TRYOUTS!?

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I'm going into seventh grade, and we are having v-ball tryouts this august for fall sports. I've never played volleyball before, except for in PE. I don't know what to do to prepare for these tryouts so I need help!! :)





  1. The most important thing is to have a positive attitude. Dont give up on yourself and let the coaches know you are willing to change, work hard, and become better. Your only as good as you think you are, so try very hard. also you can (bump set spike) against the wall. for little practice. I would suggest going to highschool camps to prepare.

  2. i am the same age as you and my advice to you is just practice with a volleyball (yours) or (neighbors) someones.

    just go outside and hit it over and over till you get it straight up in the air perfectly, and back down.(not to high or you'll loose control.)

    same with setting.

    maybe have one of your siblings set it to you and than you bump it back to them, until you get it straight so it lands in there hands perfectly:]]

    this is what i do.

    so  good luck!!

    hope you make it!:]]

  3. before you go to try out what you should do is just go buy a volleyball if you don't already have one and just practice hitting the ball over and over again till you think you got the hang of it then just practice serving and spiking and all that stuff till you got the hang of it then you should be ready to try out

  4. The three main things you need to know is bump set spike

    If you have a volleyball or any other type of ball praciting bumping it on a wall or a garage. Do that over and over again

    Then practice setting it up in the air over and over again.

    Remember to keep your eye on the ball, bend your knees, and move for the ball! Don't just stand there, always move for it!

    When you set it make sure you fingers make the shape of a triangle and when you bump keep your arms straight!

  5. build up some confidence and ask a girl a grade before you, or even one a grade above her that you know, or seems nice that has played before.ask her what tryouts were like, and what they really look for.older girls help alot!cause,well they've been there.the thing my coach looked for was a good overhand serve.a jump serve is a plus,but you're young, so i wouldn't worry. Good Luck! never give up!!!!!

  6. Bump.  Set.  Spike.  That's all you need to know.  

    Bump- squat your legs as if imitating a Sumo wrestler.  Place the arms together but do not interlace fingers.  Place the one fist in front of the other turn your arms so that the bottom of the forearm (the whiter softer side) is facing up.  

    Set- place your fingers in a claw like position above your head like a crown.  You want the ball to be able to nestle somewhat in this.  Push up with your hands and make the ball go in an arch formation.

    Spike.- this is hard for younger girls.  It's basically a snap of the wrist.  

    Just be able to run and be willing to work.  Few people are cut from a team in middle school.

  7. Make sure to have all of the stuff your going to need. Like knee pads! I play Varsity Volleyball and it seems like everytime I don't wear long socks, I get floor burn on my legs. If you have bangs, or short hair that wont fit in a pony tail, bring a head band thingy.

    Set- Your fingers should form a triangle above your foreheadand your hands should round slightly to the shape of the ball. When setting, the ball should ALMOST hit your forehead. Then push up and slightly out.

    Bump- Square your feet and bend your kness so that you are almost like sitting on a chair. Make a first with your right hand and cup your left hand around in and straighten out your thumbs so they are parallel. When bumping the ball keep your arms kinda close together and straight, or the ball will land in between your arms and get stuck.

    Spike- Hitting is usually hard. Since I play Power on my team though, it's my best area. Your timing to get to the ball will take lots of practice, so when you go to hit it and don't get it over the net and on the court, don't sweat it. Make sure you know your foot work. There is more to hitting  the ball then just running up to the net and hitting it. Standing infront of your imaginary net, unless you have a real one, take a big step with your left foot followed quickly by a short right one and a very quick left one and a jump. When you jump you should be ever so slightly angled towards the ball so when you hit it you can swing your left shoulder back and get more power into your right one. When you land you should be slightly angled away from where the ball came.

    If you want to practice, a good practice for sets would be nice easy sets against a high wall. Make sure you use your fingers when you set and not your thumbs, trust me, you'll know what I'm typing about when you jam your thumbs once.

    Practice for bumps should be similar to setting. Nice easy bumps to a solid wall.

    When practicing for hitting find a wall and smooth floor like in a gym. Hit the ball on the ground towards the wall, but not to close, so that it will hit the floor, bounce up and hit the wall, and bounce up and over to you. Make sure you hit it hard enough to you can get it high enough to hit it again. The goal is to keep doing it as many times as you can.

    Another thing that might help you is to watch other people play volleyball. Look up some videos on they could come in handy!

    Good luck!!

  8. Get a volley ball and hit it against the wall, than try to bump it off your bump position. Straighten your hands and put the left over the right, close your hands together along with your thumbs.

    You will have to know how to serve, so with your not so strong hand, hold the ball and bring your strong hand closer and strike the ball with your wrist.

    Thats as much info I can say now. If you have more questions, e-mail me.

    Good luck!
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