
Volleyball Tryouts!!?? 10 pnts best answer?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike going 2 b in 9th grade nexxt yr and ive decided to try out for the volleyball team in my school. Yes ive played volleyball b4 except in the 5th grade but i recently, like 2 days ago, went to a 5 day volleyball camp and they kinda helped me with all the basics, except for spiking

Ok my question is that what should expect at tryouts? What do they make u do at tryouts? and any other extra info u guys can provide bout how to improve my serves(even tho theyre good as is except for my over-hand). BTW tryouts are august 18 so i have some time

Thnx in ADVANCE!! ♥♥




  1. First off good luck at try-outs. some basic things that i would say is to make sure your in shape. As a former high school player and now coach being able to run a mile in under 8 minutes would be good. next what position do you like to play or know the best thats the position you should go for.  be prepared to do passing, setting, hitting, blocking, serving, and even new drills. if your school has like a conditioning program or something for volleyball go to it.

    Tips (these are tips i give to my girls that try-out for my school and other schools).

    1 wear school colors

    2 don't play with your hair. put it up once and leave it alone

    3 talk (don't be afraid to ask questions) complement and encourage others.

    4 have a positive attitude

    5 don't be shy (you have to let the coaches see you)

    6  Believe in yourself and be confident

    hope that helps and good luck

  2. well overhandserve is easy and thats my specialty i serve straight ace's all yooh have to do is open your hand but keep your fingers together and swing hard but follow through with the swing so it can go down for an ace

    now what to look for at the volleyball first off the just gone look to see if yooh can pass because they don't expect yooh to spike in middle school they teach yooh that in high school

    they just want to see if yooh can pass well and set even a little and serve if yooh can do those things or just one your good to go because they will have yooh play back row if yooh can pass and front row if yooh can set so they gone work yooh depending on whatever yooh can do

  3. Congrats on trying out... that in itself is nerve racking! I played Varsity softball and basketball for 4 yrs. and every year there was "physical conditioning". Most tryouts at our school tried to weed out the ones that were there to socialize by doing this. Running sprints and drills, etc. They will also run  the basics to see where everyone stands and keep notes. This drove me crazy.... don't sweat it, they write about everyone including returning players.

    The main thing is ... do your best, don't worry about how someone else is performing, and be confident even if you s***w up!! Because EVERYONE does.

  4. okay. i am varsity captain of my team.. and this is everything that we usually do:

    to start, we run around the gym to get our heart rate going.

    then, footwork skillls.. ex: defensive slides, jogging backwards, etc.

    at first, its just general fitness.. making sure everyone is in shape.. so i recommend getting in shape before the tryouts : D

    then, jumping skills: jumping against the wall, quick, then slower ones.

    passing drills.. basic from one person to another.. sometimes in a big circle.

    setting drills (usually for the shorter people)

    spiking drills (for the taller people)

    sometimes diving drills.. like diving for balls that are hard to reach.

    and usually a scrimmage at the end.

    hope i helped

    : )

  5. it really depends on the coach what they make you do at tryouts, but they would usually ask you what your position is and test you based on that.

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