
Volleyball Tryouts In 2 Months!!! Help?!?

by Guest60548  |  earlier

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What can I do to get ready for volleyball tryouts. They're in 2 months or so. What is a good workout rountine? What should I eat to stay in shape? What are some good websites on volleyball? Thanks for your help!






    this is a really great training program from a vball club in my area - it gives a day-to-day plan of what to do...I started it, but I had to stop because I have bunions and need surgery...but anyway...good luck!!!

  2. well i play vollyball and somtimes just working on serves and focusing on balance help

  3. EveryDay:

    ~Get at least 30 minutes of exercise.

    ~Drink lots and lots of water.

    (this helps you get toned)

    3 times a week:

    ~Go to the gym or get a good run in.

    I play volleyball too! (mainly setter)

    Hope this helps!

  4. Hey! I had this same question I'll give you the link so u can see the answers people gave me! Good Luck! :;...

  5. Hey!

    what you should do

    (three days a week)

    ~go to the gym and lift weights

    ~A nice workout that makes you Sweat a lot like sprinting to a v ball setting it 25 times bumping 25 times then alternate bump set bump set 25 times, then do twice more(mon. Wed. and Fri.)

    ~Go on a Nice LONG jog.

    (five days a week)

    ~50-100 crunches

    ~ nice cardio workout (maybe 4 days a week)


    ~eat healthy

    ~ get an hour of exersize

    ~ Practive volleyball for at least 15 minutes.

    good luck


  6. This is my program for summer :) just incase you want it. send me a message if you have questions.. i think imight have used codes





    50 Crunches

    20 Squats

    20 Arms EW

    10 Chin-Ups

    Skipping (_00)

    20 Flutter Kicks



    evening-50 Bicycles

    20 Squats

    20 Arms EW

    10 Chin-Ups

    Wall Sits (5x30s)

    20 Scissor Kicks

    Wednesday - Gymnastics class in evening


    morning- run


    50 Crunches

    20 Squats

    20 Arms EW

    10 Chin-Ups

    Skipping (2min intervals, 5 times)

    20 Flutter Kicks




    50 Bicycles

    20 Squats

    20 Arms EW

    10 Chin-Ups

    Wall Sits (5timesx30seconds)

    20 Scissor Kicks


    morning- run


    15 Push-Ups EW

    20 Lunges EL

    50 Shoots

    20 V-Ups and 20 V-ups bent legged

    50 Calve Raises

  7. run run run!!! you have to be fit to be on the court. u have to be able to go from one position to another very quickly. practice overhanded serves, and drink plenty of water. do 30 second squats because u have to be low to properly pass the ball. do lots of sit ups, and diving on the court ( i suggest u bring knee pads to the tryout) if u know the approach for a spike, do that plenty of times (u get better every time) practice blocking by running ten steps and then jumping as high as u can and putting ur hands together. do at least 10 of those. and practice ur aiming!!  good luck

  8. i usually go run you see volleyball is my passion and well i always go run i eat salads no soda wat so ever .......something that helps you alot is where you dont really sit on the wall but you squat down and put your but on the wall then you stay there for a while they are called wall sets they help your good luck and wish me good luck i play high school volleyball..................

  9. just wat right like fruits and veggies no junk food and run everyday to get your legs toned if your going to were spandex shorts.

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