
Volleyball and grades?

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this year I am playing freshman volleyball. We have practice 6 DAYS A WEEK! i am afraid i won`t be able to keep up with my grades. what kind of grades do you need to stay on the team?




  1. At my school you must gave atleast a C in every subject.

  2. see, at my school you're expected to do better during the season because you have less time to procrastinate.  And it's true many players get better grades during the season because they are more serious and time-conscious.  Just budget your time and ask your counselor what they can do to make your season easier.

  3. u at least need a D to play. NO PASS NO PLAY!

  4. @ my school you have to  be passing 5 subjects. & have  a 1.67 grade pt. average.(1.0 would be all ds, 2.0-all cs etc.)

  5. For most schools you have to keep above a failing grade but depending on the school it could be more strict.  You can find out what your school requires by talking to a councilor or refering to your student handbook.  As far as keeping up with stuff, make sure you take to your teachers a day in advance about work you might miss because of leaving early for games.  Do your homework (if the coach lets you) during the other levels of play, on the bus ride there, or on the bus ride home.  Also, if you have time after school before practice starts, do your homework then.  Ask the older girls or other freshman girls who are in your classes for help.  It's not easy but it's not impossible either.  Work hard!  Good luck!

  6. it varys between all schools, ours is a 3.0 (straight bs) but it the most common is 2.0 (straight cs) i have practice that much to but it is only for two hours so i have no problem with my grades and maintain straight a's

  7. it depends on the school. some schools make you have a certain number of passing classes (most are 4-5). others go by your grade point average (GPA). my school, we can not have any grade on ouy report card lower than a C and we have to have a 4.0 GPA or higher.

    good luck. i am sure you will do fine!♥

  8. You can't get D's of F's. It really depends on the school, but I can guarantee you that if you fail, then you won't play volleyball anymore. Ask the coach or the principle.
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