
Volleyball conditioning/training!!?

by  |  earlier

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hi.. im 15 (girl lol) and i play volleyball.. i couldn't play much last season becuase i injured my knee pretty severely. i had to sit on the bench and watch my team almost make it to provincials, so you could imagine how badly i want to play! next season i want to come back strong, conditioned, and better than ever! soo heres my question. what are some excersises that i could do at home?? and please explain them fully.. i'll read every one of them for sure! i'd rather have a well explained answer than 5 quick worded ones! i know i have to strengthen my legs, and i know i should have a strong core. so i need some at home excersises to do! (but i don't only want to strengthen my core and legs.. i want everything i need to excel in this amazing sport!)

and it would be really great if you could give me like a weekly plan! like this on mon, this on tues. i have a treadmill, weight machine, and excersise ball!

thanks so much.. you don't realize how much it means to me!





  1. before looking to improve, I would ensure you are fully recovered from your injury. Once done, I suggest rebuilding the strength of the muscles and tendons around the injury. I would do pool work, as its more beneficial and less impactive. I would start out in 5 feet of water and do 50 standing jumps, then run 5 laps, 50 jumps then I would swim 5 laps. This is average to start and can be modified to suit your needs. Also I would see a Sports Therapist, as they could tell you specific exercises to do for target groups

  2. well

    you should deff. run the treadmill

    and try running a mile

    for soccer i had to run  a mile in under 8.00minutes try for that

    i know its soccer and your talking about volleyball but its worth a shot

    i hope that helps


  3. I just started volleyball this winter!!!! I just finnished. I was out of the season because I dislocated and fractured my finger during a volleyball game.

    1.) run laps aim 4 about 10 laps a day in a gym or @ a track

    2.) go up against the wall about 2 steps away and slowly move your left then move your right foot then jump!! make sure only your hands touch. If anything else touches u r doin it wrong?

    I have alot more but i can&#039;t all right them down

    contact me @ I will tell u more!!!!!!

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