Question: you think it's complicated?

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I play club volleyball..and people say it looks so simple..but I think they're wrong. Do you think its a complicated or physically demanding?




  1. it's not complicated for me...I just can see the whole court and know where the ball's going to go, or what's going to happen...and volleyball is physically demanding, just like every sport.

  2. Of course it's not simple! Though I wouldn't say its complicated, exactly.

    There are a lot of rules to remember, but that's just like any other sport. It's challenging, and physically demanding, yes. But I love it! =D

  3. it's not that hard to play volleyball. it all depends on the personality of the person. i think it is better then playing basketball.... but i don't think it is hard to play volleyball.

  4. No, not at all. It is challenging, but not complicated. Football is really complacated.

  5. i think its both! its complicated at times because u have to like plan what ur gonna do but u cant really so u just have to be ready for anything. and its very physically demanding! you really have to be in shape to be able to do all the stuff and to have the speed.

  6. The main reason why playing volleyball is complicated is because you really  have to have the appropriate skills and be able to make your body do the right things when you want it to.

    You have to be able to spread your hand far out and swing your arm a certain way. You have to be able to flatten both  of your arms to bump the ball. It takes a lot of skill and a lot of coordination to be a volleyball player.

    I believe that it is one of the hardest sports that you can play.

  7. its just as complicated as any other sport, & just as physically demanding. the plays, the techniques, the skills. . . plus, we get to wear spandex and guys love it.

    whats not to love?

    i play club & school volleyball

    if you must know, its amazing=D

  8. difficult for sure!! have you ever tried learning all those freaking rotations!! lol and ya very physically demanding especially if your a blocker because you are jumping non-stop

  9. Once you get the rulez and and that stuff down it's kinda easy if you are athletic!

  10. i play club volleyball and i say it's chalenging but its also easy at times.

    it depends on the person

  11. Holy h**l.

    What a question.

    I have this shirt, and it says, "If volleyball were easy, it'd be called football."

    It's is physically agonizing!  I play club too, and it's not hard to understand (I think), I think it's hard to get all the muscle memory, and then perform it in a game situation.

    Whoever these people are who says it looks simple, either you are a team that isn't very advanced, the people you are referring to have some sort of vision impairment, or they're just incapable of understanding it's fine points.

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