
Volleyball drama!!?

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I have a big problem! O.K. so there are 3 girls on my high school volleyball team (freshmen) that also participate in clubs out of school so they know a little more than everyone. I am almost as good as good as two of them and definitely the same as the third one,if not better. But the problem is that whenever I have to play with them, they are always positioned in a triangle so they only have to pass to each other. It gets soo annoying. I never get the ball, and i guess its cuz i never say here cuz i get intimidated of them cuz they are the popular girls. What should I do?? the thing is that they are not even that great but since they suck up to the coach and are loud, they get all the attention. What should i do to show them and the coach that i am just as good as them? I need some serious HELP...thank you!!




  1. You can not have a volleyball team with only 3 players.  Keep playing as hard as you can.  Call the ball loudly and keep hustling.  Do not be intimidated.  You are part of the team.  

    I had the same situation in a group I joined.  I was not getting any sets.  I kept doing everything else to try to get to be "part of the group."  Fortunately, we had a bad pass.  The opposite had to set the ball from the front row and the middle fell down when he dove for the first ball.  I was the ONLY option left.  He set me and I got the kill.  You could see the shock on "the group."  They never gave me the chance, so they never knew if I could play or not.  

    The three players can not hog the ball all season.  It is not triples.  Keep trying and it will happen.

    Good luck.

  2. you just have to be loud with them make the coach see you if youre older you need to intimidate them you need to be a leader

  3. its the same thing at my school.

    im learning to try my hardest and show them that im as good by making an impressive dive. if they dont pass it, try yelling and take the balls that come close to you.

    show the coach by calling "mine" or "got it" or "out" or anything else really loud so you look better

  4. Do anything that will impress the coach. Things such as a jump serve, jump set, nice hit or a good dive. Also be very loud!!! And dont be scared to step infront of one of them to get the ball. They may get mad, but I am sure everyone else on the team is thinking the same thing you are. And if things get to out of hand with these chicks, talk to the coach in private. Hope this helps.

  5. Yeah i had three girls like that on my club team that always warmed up together . ask to warmup with them and call the ball. if they won't let me warmup with them even though there was no one else, i let them have it. i told them off!!!!!!!!!!

  6. you should be just as loud as them. dont be initimidated because you think they are more popular than you. volleyball is a sport that invovles teamwork and cheering eachtoher on. you shouldnt have to worry about whos more popluar than you. next time you are passing with them just try and get involved and keep calling the ball. theyll eventually realize that your opening up and then hopefully things will change. good luck!

  7. same at my school.Some coaches don't like the girls who are loud and trying to get attention.What's the point in breaking up the triangle to be in there little posse.You need to get some spotlight too.Whether that being you as leader in the warmups, or trying your hardest for everything.The coach will notice, but sometimes, coaches want these types of girls on their team.It really depends on the coach.Good Luck!

  8. dont' worry that happens to me all the time!! don't let it bother you !!!

    they may just pass to each other but someone's going to slipup once and the ball will go to you and you can show them that they aren't the only ones who can play!!! once the coach see you make an amazing save or  hit they'll have to take notice and might even force the other girls to include you

    remember, popularity doens't make you good at volleyball and the coach will realize that some time!!!

  9. Be Yourself.

    Loud and Outstanding.

    Make friends with your "enemies";

    Make more other friends on the team so that "they" get intimidated.

  10. If you are just as good as them, you shouldnt be intimidated at all. There are also upperclassmen in the volleyball team. They're not like the **** of the team. Just ignore them and play your best. They shouldnt be the reason for you to back down and show off your true talent! You also shouldnt be intimidated to call the ball! Call it as loud as you can and if anything, be just as obnoxious as them if it means to get that ball over the net!!
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