
Volleyball drills specifically to 1 to 2 players..?

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either its on serving..

passing ball..







  1. perppering is really good but so it a drill were your partner hits at you & you see how many you can get without stoping its really fun.

    hope i helped


  2. 1. pepper (bump set spike) is a good drill for several things.but, only if you concentrate on doing everthing correct. When passing focus on staying low, on your toes, not leaning forward or back, strong & low platform, and not swinging. when setting focus on getting under the ball and pushing the ball out and up with your legs. When hitting focus on contacting the ball high and snap, and follow through, straight to your partner.

    Another version of pepper is pass, set, TIP.

    and you do the same thing except after you set you move forward to pick up the short tip.

    2. another good drill/ exercise for passing is

    to get into your passing stance and  have your partner toss balls of different height, speed, and direction at you.

    3. if you have access to a net. practice serving to your partner at different spots on the floor. again, focus on the correct form, and placement of the serve. The person passing should focus on passing the ball high to the net, not forgetting what they learned earlier in the passing drills.

    4. simply pass or set the ball back to each other.

    5. setting drill.:

    you will have a predetermined distance to set  again and again in a forward direction.

    When you reach the end you turn (setting the ball still,) and then set the long ball back to your partner who is waiting at the start. (where you run back to)They move to the ball and set through the same thing. & as partners keeping rotating until you mess up. Then start again.

    thats all i can think of right now, but i hope this helps.

    remember, the more GOOD contacts you get on the ball the better you become. you will not become better with bad contacts, you will probably get worse.The best at any sport needs thousands of hours of practice and contacts with the ball to become the best.

  3. ok what you do is

    1. have one person get on their knees

    2.have the person a little bit away from the person on their knees and they are standing with the ball

    3.the person with the ball throws the ball left and right so it makes them move their arms, but make the throws almost like a dig

    4. then you switch

    5. then after you both have done it, you stand up but get really close to the ground by bending your knees

    6. so then the person throws them side to side like they did before but not like a dig just regular throws

    7. switch

    then the person has to get back on the group again and then the get on their knees again but then have there knees spread out like in a "V" shape. the trick is that they have to be low to the ground while doing it!! make the balls a little short so they have to reach for them.

    8. switch

    9. then you stand up will you stand on your tippy toes you go up and down and side to side,  so then the thrower throws them side to side so they would have to be on there feet and be watching the ball at all times.

    10. the biggest rule of all"HAVE FUN"

    this drill is to be used so you stay on you feat and watch the ball at all times thats why when you throw them side 2 side they have to go for it!!! It doesnt really matter what order you do the excersises in.

  4. pepper- 2 people

    pass to one person, the other person sets back, then the other person hits and so on....

    partner passing

    partner serving

    hope this helps!

  5. well theres this one you could have it with just yourself buti would recommend that you at least have a partner its called "short court" where its just a little sqaure and you play it against another team on the other side of the net --it works on ball control and its tons of fun.

    hope this helped

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