
Volleyball focus??

by  |  earlier

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well i have this problem... basically i usually pass 2s or 3s in practice off of serves and attack pretty well, but come game time or game situations my serve receive goes all over the place and i miss my attacks too! does anyone have a good way to focus, or just to maintain a positive attitude?? i think i psych myself out too much!




  1. relax, stay calm and think of it as it were practice

  2. all games are is a glorified practice that gets recorded! have confidence in yourself before you step on the court and have confidence in your teammates to do their part. remember, a true athlete always wants the ball becuase they KNOW they will do what has to be done with it to win the game. dont be a ball hog though!

  3. yeah dude your friekin out. just stay calm and remember its just a sport and won't kill you if you lose.

  4. It is really only gaming experience (and lots of it) that will calm you down, and make you feel easier in those tense situations.  When your serves go all over -- it is usually the routine of being too late (you should have been moving earlier) or too slow (and the combination of these) being at fault.  I do the windmill serve - and usually this catches receivers unawares (especially those not use to receiving them) that they lose the ball.

    Lots of practice does help you be more confident and be less prone to nerves.  Meaning, that you should purchase a cheap volleyball - which can be used on any outside surface, such as against brick walls, etc.  You can only do spiking practice by yourself, and need to be with someone (like another volleyball player) to practice the dig, set and spiking at each other - the more, the better.  You don't need a net, just do it (dig, set and spike) at each other - regular practice will ensure you are confident in all your moves.  And when you do something right (congratulate yourself positively - you can internalise this, and don't need to say it aloud...) remember how it feels like - in going through the motions.  If you can do it right, you can do it again, and again.. When you don't do it right - understand what was the cause that made the ball go astray?  It might not be your fault at all - but just an excellent serve, which was difficult to make proper contact with... - and if you see it behaving exactly like the one before it, you do know where it is going, and should be better able to receive it...

    Some people do get all uptight, when they mess up ... and that is the wrong way to deal with it.  Yell something negative at yourself - that is reinforcing a negative pattern.  You should act neutral, when you do mess up .. understand the situation, so that you can avoid the same thing twice...

    If you can say, it's only a game - even though it might be an important one?  Sometimes that helps diffuse the situation, so that you can play better - however it depends upon you.  Some people like the tense feeling, making them ready to fight, or flight - yet somehow remaining calm and controlled...  What works for you.. is something to take note of.

  5. All you have to do is stay calm and be the ball.

    i dont know if that makes sense or not,but just

    focus on the ball. I usually point my feet the direction

    i want the ball to go and that really helps. and im a really

    good server [starter] soo just try that or anything that

    you feel comfortable and have fun with the game.

  6. maybe your not enjoying the game anymore, practice has no pressure because it is just practice and you tend to enjoy it because there is no pressure on your back...

    game time is different, try to lessen the pressure... try doing the things that you always do before you go to practice... apply it as well comes game time... be yourself...

  7. think about somone realy inportant toyou not like your playing the game for them but channel the positve forces from memories you have like your favorite outing as a kid or the first time you saw your parents fight cuz even negative thoughts can pump you up when your low on energy alwaysplay to the best of your ability

  8. U need to understand that volleyball is a mental and physical sport. One thing u can do if get your  team fire up and built up the intensity and always think positive. U will make mistake in the game and u need to forget it and focus on how to score the next point. So thats my suggestion to you.

  9. When you mess up just brush it off and concentrate on the next one! I do the same thing. I get so worried how  i messed that one up that it messes up all the rest and i get more stressed. Just try and think how you hit the ball to make it bad and concentrate on doing better on the next ball. It helped alot to hear my teammates say that it was fine when i missed one or nice try. So try saying that to yourself and to your teammates. If you feel your team is upset that you messed up it makes it harder to brush off so make sure you are cheering your team on and they are doing the same for you! good luck!
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