
Volleyball game question?

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How long does a High School volleyball game usually last? It's the regional championship. thanks :)




  1. agree with horse_lover_mv's answer...

  2. I know that at my school it's like this:

                       -Freshman- 2/3

                       -JV- 2/3

                       -Varsity- 3/5.

  3. It really depends on your consistancy but usually it takes about an hour , hour 1/4 if thats the answer youre looking for. O_O

  4. It'll go best 3 out of 5. If it goes to a 5th set, it'll go to 15 points instead of the regular 25. Each set needs to be won by at least 2 points.

  5. sorry im not really ansering you Question but al i know is there is 3  different sections that last about 10 minutes each they can be longer though

    I just started playing for my school.

    Have any volleyball tips?

    --bad answer sorry, emmy

  6. There is no time limit and the time depends on how even the teams are in talent, if one is considerably better it can end in half an hour, if they are equal it can last  a bit longer than a hour.

  7. well it depends C team and JV team go best 2 out of 3 going to 21 and if you have to go to the third game then to 15. If you are on Varsity then it is best 3 out of 5 going to 25 and if you have to go to a 5th game then that is to 15 i hoped i helped

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