
Volleyball girls i have a ???

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ok so we have had tryouts 4 the past few days ima tell u what we have done and how ive done at it and at the please tell me if u think ill make it =]

-we had 2 run an 8 min mile i ran a 912 the first time and 2day i ran a 905

-we did a passin drill i did really good.(im a d.s)

-across court setting i setted really high up and right 2 da target

-i only did 12 push ups

-and when u test how high ur hight when u jump is u had 2 get 100 i got 94

-and on serves im a really good server but i messed up bcause u had 2 serve 2 setain areas if u got those areas u got 2 pnts and if it goes over the net and is in its 1 pnt welll most of mine just went over and in or went out.

-we did a letter-t shuffle w/ cones i got 8.35 sec. that was actually pretty good and we did across court and down the line hitiing i didnt do so good on dat cause ima ds there r 31 gurls tryin out only abou 22-25 make u think ill make it??




  1. I haven't seen you play so I can't tell you if you will make it or not. But from what you're saying it sounds like you did pretty well at try outs. Just be loud and work hard. Good luck!

  2. It sounds like you're a good passer, so I would think you had a good chance in making it.

    You said there are 22-25 players who make the team?!  Is it 2 teams?  Because that's a lot of players for 1 team!

    Technically only 6-9 girls get cut, so as long as you're a better player than 6 of them trying out, you'll make it :)

  3. Wow, we only have seventeen-ish girls for are jv and varsity teams put together.

    But yeah, passing is most crucial in volleyball.

    So I'd say you have a good chance.

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