
Volleyball help!!! iam the new setter any tips to improve my setting?

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hey i just started to play volleyball and am the setter any tips to improve my stting and my team any tricks to get into their head before the game




  1. woooo hoo i'm a setter too and its definitely the best position! get in good shape, and work hard in practice to set a good example for your team so you can be a leader. also: my coach says to say something to the hitters after every set/point just to encourage them and also take responsibility for any bad sets so they don't get down. you should be the loudest one on the court. yea i practice close against the wall like this: about a foot from the wall, put your hands up and just move your wrists to bounce the ball off the wall really fast. you can also do this with each hand individually. good luck setting hope you have an amazing season!

  2. when I played in high school we played a team that put the ball 20 ft. sraight up and a spiker would come across and knock that ball for ever. Talk to the coach about it

  3. Congrats on being setter :) I was the setter before I found my one true love: the back row.


    Remember to use your legs when you set, not just your arms. Freeze with your arms extended in the direction that you want the ball to go, and keep the ball in front of you so your set isn't short :) Try to minimize spin on the ball, too.

    And don't try to "catch" the ball or hold it for too long, the ref might call a lift. In a tough situation (like a bad pass or something) just get the ball up and move out of the way.

    Winning is easier when the entire team wants to win. Sometimes what it comes down to is who wants it more.

    Good luck!

  4. keep your finger tips relaxed but sturdy

    bend your knees and your elbows

    set the ball at your forehead



  5. Make sure your knees are slightly bent, put your hands in a triangle shape, and use your fingertips!

    Push up on your legs to get a high set.

    Set it high enough for the hitter to hit it.

  6. okay CONTROL. That's you first thing to be really good at. Always get the 2nd hit it makes the game go a lot smoother. Once you get the second hit set it about an arms length away from the net it make the middle blocker have a way easier time hitting the ball over.

  7. Since you said you are new to volleyball and setting, I will try to start with some basic tips for young setters.

    First, you must master the setting skill itself such that it becomes second nature.  Once you're in a game situation, technique should be the last of your concerns.  Many here have covered the basics: use your fingers, set with your legs, etc.  When I was a young setter, the drill that helped me master the skill was simple catch and throw.  Have someone toss you the ball and you catch it as if you were going to set it--soft fingers and bent knees.  Come to a complete stop with the ball above your forehead--any lower and it will be a lift.  Then you throw it back as if you are setting it--extend your elbows and knees and flip your wrists.  Once you've got you positioning and motions right on the seperate catch and throw, start speeding up until there is no stop in your motion at all--just a quick catch and throw.  All setting really is is a really quick and smooth catch and throw.

    Once you've mastered the motion, then it's time to work on target practice.  Have you coach tell you which sets he would like you to run in games (i.e., high outside, medium middle, quick middle, high back, etc.) and work on each of those sets.  When ever you practice setting, try to be in the setter position along the net and practice setting the proper distances.  I used to think of each type of set in terms of a window that I would have to set the ball through.  Of course, if you can find players to hit the sets, that's the best way to practice.  If not, putting buckets or garbage cans where each set should land would be a decent alternative.

    Having mastered the motion and the accuracy, the other skill you need is quickness getting from the various defensive positions on the court to the setter's position on the net (where you will be setting from).  This really just takes repetition--line up in your defensive position and then have someone toss or pass the ball to the setting position while you chase and try to set the ball.

    Finally, with regard to your team, remember:  you are the equivalent of the quarterback or the point guard.  You should be touching the ball every play.  Encourage players who make good passes to you.  Get on the team when their passing is lazy.  When you make a bad set, ask your hitter for feedback (higher, lower, outside, etc.).  If you make a decent set and your hitter shanks the ball, you can help you hitter keep his/her confidence by claiming you made a bad set or otherwise encouraging him/her.  (Hitting is all about confidence and hitters can be fickle!).  When you are the setter, it is your team to lead.  Take control and be positive!

    One last tip: practice using as many different brands of volleyball possible.  Each volleyball is different, and you never know what you're going to get in a match.  If you always uses your favorite ball, you'll be at a disadvantage if the match or tournament uses a harder/softer/colored/white ball.  I remember one season, all the matches we played during the regular season used relatively soft Mikasa volleyballs.  Then for the regional tournament, the game balls were swiched to hard Molten Pro Touch volleyballs (now my favorite).  It was going from setting marshmallows to setting rocks!

    Hope this helps...

  8. the first years , i´ve been a setter too.

    to be in a good shape is very important.

    Be self-confident and get every second ball if it is possible...

    For the team it is very good if they know their hitter will always take the second one ..

    put the foot a bit in front of you which is on the net-side, so you can avoid to hit the net or to play the ball to close to the net.

    practise to pass the ball to a target.

    - another player, a point at the wall, a basketball basket...

    try to use the overhead pass, its more exact...

    practise is the best way to improve.

    do not give up and try to play the ball your hitter wants :)

    have fun

  9. Hey that is sooooo cool that you are the setter!!! They are the ones that make the whole play happen!! It is soo much fun...and if you couldn't tell already...i am a setter!!  But some tips to improve your setting....

    Well i would just really get in some good shape!!  You should be able to run a mile without stopping!  A good team always has a fast and accurate setter!!  Another thing that would help would be to set up some sort of target...(it can even be a sibling or something) and just repetedly set it to that spot!!  And make sure you have the right footwork!!  This will help u in getting it to the right spot!  Also, everyday you should be setting little tiny sets up agains a wall for about 10-15 min!! Your arms will get tired but just keep working at it!!  Make sure your form is right while you are doing all these things too!!  Playing around with your friends or family will also help a bit!!  But make sure to be in shape and be fast!! :)  I hope this helps and good luck on the season!! :)

  10. just be smooth... take the ball in and put it out smoothly. dont bring it down too far or it will be a lift. dont be so stiff fingered like ur trying to punch the ball with the fingers.

    REMEMBER, take it in put it out, and try to make as little noise as possible when setting, it will look better

  11. Okay, for you- 1.) Always set with your fingers, not your palms, or the ref will call a catch.  2.) Always point your hands up, not to the front, because otherwise, the ball will go to the front, and probably hit the net.  3.) If you can not get it over the net, then hit it straight up and move back and let someone next to you hit it.

    For your whole team I would say not to focus to much on the other team when you are warming up.  They may have fancy cheers or drills that make them look good, but they really aren't that good.  One time I played a team that pounded the floor and said a cheer, but they really weren't that good.  And make sure if they need bathroom breaks or water breaks to go before the game, so they can concentrate on the game, and not anything else.


    for your team...tell them to always call their number when they are ready to hit!

  13. ask ur coach for sum privt. setting practice drills. they shud help u.

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