
Volleyball help.?

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My team is getting sweatshirts & I really don't know what I should get on the back!!! for all of my soccer & volleyball stuff before I always get my last name & i don't want to this year!! I'm a blonde oh! please help

I have tons of nicknames should i get






my 1st name

my last name

OR can u help make one up

ALSO-more vb related

I am an outiside hitter on a 14's team & I really want to play in the back row too. do you think that i should just wait until the first tourney & let my coach see that i actually am pretty good at passing & back row?? or striaght forward tell her....




  1. I like blondie!




    armed and ready

    queen of the court








  2. you should get magoo because no one else will have that name

  3. sick, never get nicknames on team shirts.

    are you kidding me?

    your always spost to get your last name on your shirt, its jsut a sports thing.


  4. I like Spazz! That's very personal and makes you unique! For the second question, tell her! What is there to lose? The worst that could happen is she could say no. You just go out there and show her how good of a DS you can be! Good luck!

  5. I like spitfire, it sounds so rebellious and tough.

  6. well what do your friends call you the most?

    or "spitfire blondie"

    "miss spazzz"

    or "volleyballerr magoo"

  7. I like Spazz and Magoo. And also, just really focus on the backrow drills in practice, maybe she'll notice that youve been working on it.

  8. For your  name, magoo is good or like your first initial, last name. for passing i wouldnt wait that long. Show your coach in practice that you can pass and be really agressive. If your coach doesn't play you ever in the back row for tournaments ask your coach about it, politly.

  9. You should get magoo no one else will have that. For your second question don't tell her, just work really hard in back row your coach will notice you doing well and eventually leave you in back row too. That's what I did and it worked, I'm a middle hitter and I worked really hard, and eventually I was in for the whole game every game.

  10. im outside hitter too, im on jv u should get Got Volleyball?   or Got Net?  or your first name/last name and position underneath your name

  11. how long can your name be?

    short: blondie


                v ball hottie

                hot shot

               hot stuff

    Long: v ball goddess

              v ball blondie

               royal blondie



    i am also a outside hitter

    tell her you want to try to play back row and that you believe in yourself. ask her to just give you a chance ......then prove to her you really want it. the best you can do is to do your best!

    hope this helps

    good luck!

  12. you should put SPIKER on the hoodie, since you are an outside hitter. i put the nick name my friends gave me from another sport on my hoodie. let your coach tell you where to play. don't tell her, let  her place you

  13. okay, first you ever get mad when people pick on you for acting blonde?  if so don't getanyhting like that....spitfire is kinda cool, but what does it mean, or magoo, that's different, but what does it are the one who will have to piack in the end, bc you are the one wearing it...about the back row thing, any chance you get at practice or in a game, get on the back row and play you r heart out... show her how you play on back row..make her curious and want to put you out there...if it doesn't work after alittle while go and be nice and say could i play back row some time? i have been working on it for a while, so could i ever get a chance?

    that should hopefully help you...

  14. Go with your last name. It may be done before but you have to think about the other side. You throw on that sweatshirt in a year and go out. Are you still Magoo or Spitfire? Will anyone get it or will you be embarrassed?  As for the volleyball question you should talk to your coach and tell her that you want to play the back row as well, but know that there is probably a reason you aren't already. These reasons may be that you might not have the ball handling skills of the person who comes in for you (although you are better in the front row) or maybe it is a playing time issue and wanting to spread it around at the 14's level.  Whatever the reason tell her that you want to play back row and prove that you can in practice when given the chance. The final decision will still come down to the coach so just do your best.

  15. as far as your sweatshirt goes dats up to you

    And actions are better than words so you should show your coach wat u can do

  16. use something that rhymes with your name

    like i was killer kimmy

    my friends were

    jolly holly

    audry ace

    ashley whoooo

    aska my booty

    or something that you are good at like serving hard

    sammy the hammer
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