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My Phys.Ed teacher wants me to try out for the volleyball team,because she saw me playing outside,at recess and she thought I was really good.

The date of the try outs havent been announced,but I need help-i have really bad serves. They always go in the wrong direction,and they are very low,and weak.

Can anyone give me advice on how to make it better??

i have a volleyball at home,so i can practice...

serious answers only.

thanks in advance!




  1. when you're serving, throw the ball up and pull your arm back as if you were pull on a bow string to shoot an arrow, then bring your arm up and connect with the ball.. that's as good as i can explain it on here.. it's how my old coach taught me.:).. like a bow and arrow.. :)

  2. You need some tips, email me:

    I've been playing volleyball for more than 10 years now. Back home, i play indoor but now I play beach volleyball =)

  3. The underhand serve is a simple serve. You hold the volleyball with your left hand in front of you. Take you right hand(make sure that your hand is in a fist formation) and bump the ball with the top part of your fist. And as you are hitting the ball over take a step forward to help the ball get across the net. The over hand serve isn't that difficult. Jus throw the ball directly over your head high enough for you to swing your arm and hit the ball with your hand. You can hit the ball with your palm or with a closed fist. But with your fist closed, there might be a chance that the ball will go astray only because you might have hit a knuckle. But I hope you make the team!!

  4. First of all you should throw it higher...... then you should really step into it and follow through......don't be afraid really slam it hard!

  5. have a really strong hand. like you were giving someone a high five. hit the ball at the top of it's peak.

  6. practice your form first, maybe see a girl you know who is already on the team and ask for 5 minutes of help from her... or even go to your gym teacher and tell her you are interested but would like to improve a little so ask her for guidance.

  7. Strenth in a serve has a lot to do with the way your feet are set up and how well you step into the ball.  I don't know if you are lefty or righty or if you are serving underhand or overhand, so it is hard to explain.  I will explain it righty and assume you are asking about serving underhand.  If you are lefty, just reverse everything.  First, you need a place to practice.  A big brick wall works well.  You need to master serving underhand first.  Make a triangle with your left foot forward, right foot back and your left hand holding the ball.  Make cetain to keep the ball in your hand while striking it to serve it over the net.  You don't need to throw it in the air before you strike it.  If you are throwing it up in the air before you hit it, this is probably why your ball goes in funny directions.   Make sure to step into the serve - shifting your weight from the back leg to the front leg.  This will help with your strength.  Practicing against the wall will help a lot because you can quickly get in a lot of repetitions and you don't need anyone to help out.  You can also practice setting, bumping and spiking against the wall.  Spiking the ball works in a similar way to serving.  The only difference is you throw the ball in the air and try to hit more on the top of it.  In order to get power, you need to rotate your shoulders and follow through.  I would seek someone that can spend about 20 minutes with you to show you in more detail how to do "wall work".  Your PE teacher sounds like a nice person.  Maybe he/she can help or recommend a volleyball player that would be willing to work with you for a short time so that you know that your time practicing is well spent. I wish I could be more help, it is really difficult to give good help in words. Good Luck!!  Oops!  I forgot to tell you to make sure you are striking the ball with the right part of your hand.  Make a thumbs up signal.  Drop your thumb and wrap your thumb around your fingers to form a fist.  Strike the ball with that flat surface on the top of the fist.  Hope this helps.

  8. ok well you want to try to start in the middle of the court giving more room for error, next you want to at least try to use the top of a fist (gives more power) and u DONT want to toss the ball, also follow-through.  try that and then the only other advise i can give you is practice makes perfect.

    also this serve is called underhand not the easy one just thought i would let ya know

  9. well do it in the other direction and hit it hard like a boy

  10. Hi Kandy,

    This is what you do:

       1. Hold the ball in your left hand. Do not toss it. Yes, you can just hold it. It is legal.

       2. Backswing, step and hit. Notice that I did not say drop or toss  the ball.

       3. Keep that left arm frozen solid.

       4. If the ball is not going far enough, you need more backswing.

       5. The biggest problem is that you may not be able to hit the back of the ball. Try not to hit it too far towards the bottom, thus directing the ball up into the rafters of the gym.

       6. Any flat service can be used to hit the ball. You can use a fist, an open hand, or the heel of your hand. Do whatever you feel is most comfortable.

    The idea here is that you can practice and develop your serve well enough to get through try outs. Your coach will mold you into a stronger server with time.

    Consistency is a coach's dream. You'll find at the beginner level it's best just to get the ball into the opponent's side and let them make an error.

    Best of Luck. You'll love this sport.

  11. well here is what you do....this is for under hand.  stand with (with ball in left hand) your left hand out cupping the ball in your hand DONT SQUEEZE THE BALL TIGHT!! get low (your upper body) should have your left foot out. when you go to hit the ball take one step with your right foot...and swing your right hand back and make shure you hit the ball with the heel of your right hand. if you are just standing strait up and hitting the ball it will not go where you want it to. what my stepdad tought me is when you go to take that step point you toe of the right foot to where you want the ball to go. DONT HIT THE BALL TO THE SAME PLACE EVERY TIME OR ELSE THE OPPONENTS WILL NOW WHERE THE BALL IS GOING. when you go to hit that ball make shure your hands are stiff and hitt the ball hard. not so hard that it goes out of bounds on the opposite side. but just enough to get it over the net       :)

  12. Ok. i used to serve the one step way...hold the ball with your left hand and hit with your right hand.. keep it flat so you can direct it..if you need something else you can email me.

  13. E-Mail me at I play volleyball and I will help u.

  14. make sure that you're using the correct part of your fist when you serve, and make sure that you are hitting the ball right on. dont nick it, or sissy slap it, and make it go kaflooey. however, that is all i know. i dont know how to explaine which part of the hand is the correct part. sry..

  15. I would help but I cant even serve underhand. I'm a strict overhander. Sorry!
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