
Volleyball help!?

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hi.. okay so my town is really small, and we don't have a club team. i want to try out for a club team that's an hour away, but im worried i won't make it. i know club doesnt start again until after the school season, but i want to get ready! what can i do to really improve my volleyball skills? i'm willing to work hard because volleyball is my passion.. i'm going to 3 volleyball camps this summer, but that won't be enough. i'm an outside hitter.. and i really need to work on these areas:

my vertical

my hitting (of course i always want to get better.. but i have the muscle already)

my overhand serving (it's not strong or consistent)

what are some things i could do to get better at volleyball in general, as well as these areas? i need to get back in shape (i had knee surgery a while ago), so anything to help with that would be great too.

thanks so much, and i really appreciate it! if you know of any good volleyball sites or names of books, that would be great too! thanks again!




  1. hey i live in a small town too. but last year we got our own club.

    and i also play outside. for your vertical you can stand on like a curb or a stair with your heels hanging off and then sag them down and then raise them up. this will help your achellies tendon and if its stong it will add to your vertical. also you should do a lot of approches a day. like when ever you walk into a room do an approch and try to touch the ceiling or the door frame. and be sure to make you chest parrallel to the ground when your arms are back in your approch. and when you practice approches jump AS HIGH AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. no exaggeration if you always jump as high as you can then you will improve faster and see better results.

    as for serving get with some of your friends and go to the ymca or a gym and just serve back and forth try to hit the ball with your full outstreached hand and be sure to pull your elbow back to get maximum strength.

    but yea i hope that helped.

    i have to work on my vertical to this summer.=]

  2. for sports at my school here are some of the things we do.

    run long distances to build endurance and wind

    run sprints to build explosive power/quickness

    lots and lots of core work- especially in volleyball. sit-ups, leg raises,bicycles, planks. stuff like that.

    jumps- line jumps, tuck jumps, box jumps, blocking over and over again.

    and we do these exercises where we have jump ropes,wall sits, approaches, line jumps, push-ups etc. around the gym and we do one thing for a specified amount of time and then when times up we sprint around the gym and to the next station.

    We also lift all the machines (almost) in the school weight rooms.

    pullovers, bench press, etc.

    i put this link for your vertical but it has a bunch of other areas like stretching, and nutrition.

    You will get out of the summer camps what you want out of them. If you work hard to make every contact on the ball correct then you will be surprised how much you can improve in 1 or 2 days.when you go to the vball camps this summer write down drills  you do and the finer points of everything they teach you so you don't forget it. can learn alot by just watching players play (i went to a local university and probably watched 10+ matches this yr.) and just by observing have picked up some finer points of the game and technique. You can do the same by watching videos of div. 1 college teams, or avp players, or national team players on youtube.

    serving wise-

    start out close to the net and concentrate on form. only move back a few feet at a time.and only move when you master each length from the net.

    (i may edit this on here w/ a more detailed description later.mmk?)

    you can never learn too much about vball.
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