
Volleyball... how do i get ready??

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I'm gonna b in 8th grade volleyball and i need to get a little more prepaired for it... so can any1 give me some pointers or sumthing?




  1. 1. buy spandex you can get them at sports authority

    2. buy knee pads nike is the best, sports authority

    3. buy tall white socks available at any store

    4. buy a volleyball so you can practice

    5. practice being agressive thats what coches are loking for

    6. where your hair up in a pony nothing is more annoying that your hair in your vace on the court

    7. volleyball shoes are a must have i reccomend asics or mizuno or or sports authority

    8. dont wear a shirt you would wear to school f=to practice wear a t shirt with your spandex

    9. if you have glasses get contacts trust me

    thats all i can think of now but if you have anymore questions email me at oh ya i am going in to 8th grade too and playiing volleyball but ive been playing since 4th grade good luck

  2. practice makes perfect! practice every thing!

    jump....move ur aggressive....don't have a bad u want a raises.....wall sits.....wall jumps!

    good luck!

  3. Here's some pointers:

    1. Practice bumps. Make sure that your palms are open and placed on top of each other with thumb folded at the top of the palm. Arms straight out and hit the ball on the flat part of the wrists. It might hurt and swell up if you're doing volleyball for the first time but you'll get used to it. When doing the volleyball form, make sure that you have one foot in front of the other with knees slightly bent and have your hands out in front of you. On court, this is really important cause you're gonna have to be ready when the ball comes..Make sure that you're light on your feet too.

    2. Practice sets. Arms slightly bent over the top of your head with the hands forming a 'triangle' that's not touching...they call it a 'window'. Hands round and fingers are relaxed but tense also. Don't give out flappy hands when you're doing sets cause it will really mess up the direction of the ball. By letting the fingers do the work, the ball will go up perfectly. If the ball goes a bit low during a set, get under it and get the ball up again. Eyes have to be focused on the ball no matter what.

    3. Serves...there are three types..overhand, underhand, and side serves. The position for overhand is one foot in front of the other but the knee of the front foot is slightly bent. When you're throwing the ball up, make sure it lands in the distance between the front foot and the back foot. That makes sure you can hit the ball..which you hit with the meaty part of your hand. Underhand serves are easier (that's my opinion). When you're serving on court, serve some distance behind the line and take a few steps before your serve. That gives more momentem and it does make your serve more accurate. But just take a deep breath and be relaxed. The accuracy of your serve depends on how you're feeling and if you're relaxed enough.  A side serve is similar to the underhand (it's really easy once you've mastered the underhand serve) but you just hit the ball from the side. Basically, you stand sideways..your side facing out toward the net and you hit the ball from the side with the meaty part of your hand. It can be a really good serve to do if you want some angle to it.

    4. Optional: Spikes and tips

    Spikes are really something that you have to have a lot of jump and hard hits to it. Make sure that the ball is coming down above your head and that you're at a close distance to hit that ball. Use the meaty part of your hand (that's going to become a good friend in volleyball) and smack the ball hard. It's just one quick swing. But also be sure to know what hand you're most comfortable spiking with cause that will definitely help you in your playing. Tips are perfect when the ball from the opponent side is barely making over the net. You have to have a good eye for when to do it cause if you miss the ball by a few seconds, you're going to cost the team. But when you do it, just lightly tap the ball over the side of the net. If you have a net, that would be a really good thing to practice. Ask someone to throw the balls over the net.

    Coaches really like it if you're a good hustler. Just be prepared and be ready to get the ball. Having a good hustler will definitely have more brownie points.

    But here are three places you can practice (but if you're planning to do spikes or tips, you have to have a net)..

    Wall (this is good for serves)

    Partner (good for doing bumps back and forth and sets too..also the partner can be like a 'net'..just have them put their arms out straight over their heads and that will be the approx. height for a volleyball net..that's good for your serves)

    Net (this is the most important thing to practice with)

    Well..I think that's about it. Hope you make it for the volleyball team!

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