
Volleyball is over but it sucked help?

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our volleyball team was way better than it was last year and overall we had a winning record..but i didn't like the way our coach taught us. Doesn't equal playing time mean everyone gets the same amount of playing time? my coach favored 3 people and everyone on my team noticed it except them. Last year i was the one who hardly came out but this year i was almost always out. it made me mad but am i just jealous of the three that were favored? they weren't any better than me and i had consistant serves and those three didn't. it just makes me mad for my coach to talk about those 3 like their the best when me and the rest of the team tried our hardest. no matter how much they messed up they never got taken out but the moment i made a mistake or anyone else made one we were either taken out or yelled at and the last game i spiked it, it my best spike of the season but i was never told i did good it was the person who bumped it to me. Am i jealous or am i right that it was unfair




  1. I know your position, but did your coach say that you would get equal playing time. If he/she did, then you have a right to be angry. When I was in 8th grade there was this one girl that always got played. She wasn't good, and she didn't deserve to be on the court, but she sucked-up, and got what she wanted.  Now I realize that I shouldn't have complained, I was only reducing my own playing time.But I've put it behind me (kinda) and I've moved on. I absolutely loved my team this year and I'm glad I didn't let that girl get to me.

  2. Sounds kinda like my team. It can only get better. Those girls will move on

  3. Well Coaches see differentley then usually the players do. I had the same problem almost, two years ago. The coach just didn't like me. And this year, I was mvp. I think somtimes you just get unfair coaches. You just have to deal with it. Its the same thing in life. But its okay, because you'll have your fair share of amazing coaches also.

  4. i am a volleyball coach and all i can say is

    get over it

    "equal playing time" is impossible

    there will always be people who are better than you

    you have to find a way to make yourself stand out


  5. that is totally unfair!

    but it depends if you play for varsity  or jv cause they can choose to put you out or in what they choose

    but favoring 3 people how you described them and how you serve great i dont get it i think your coach has no clue!

    if i had an swesome spike id want good compliments thats not fair when you are not appreciated!

  6. it is sooooooooo unfair.  coaches aren't supposed to do that.  and equal playing time isn't always the rules.  but u have a right to be jealous.  i would be to.  ask the coach why he/she was favoring the 3.  you should have some attention.  no matter how bad you are.  i know how you feel.  i had a coach who only favored her daughter, even though she was the worst player on the team, and she was the libero.  sooooo just ask her and tell her that you feel left out.

  7. Unfortunately, I don't know your exact circumstances even after that monster rant.  You have one answer that you'll like so I'm going to give you another viewpoint.  You may not be jealous but you're probably not right.  Chances are these three players are on the court more for a reason.  Maybe they are better than you, even if it's not in serve consistency.  It sounds like they pass well, which is guaranteed more important every rotation they aren't serving. That's 11 out of 12 rotations.  Are they the setters? You know the offense collapses if the setters get pulled.  What are the substitution limits in the league you're playing in?  Do they serve harder than you?  Are they more intimidating?  Are they better leaders?  Are they developing players and your coaches felt to invest in upcoming years?  Are they seniors who have earned their spots in previous years?  Are they more versatile?  Are they staying after the end of practice to improve?  Are they better positionally?  Do they have better soft focus or reads?  Do they make fewer errors?  Do you have an excess in players outside their positions?  Are they better conditioned?  Are they better team players?  There is no end to the reasons why they might be getting more playing time then you.

    There are a few things you can do if you need more playing time.  The best is to force them to play you.  Take the off season and become a player they cannot afford to take off the court.  I suggest playing in advanced recreation leagues as well as playing beach volleyball.  Ask coaches how you can improve, especially your coaches.  They've seen you play this entire season so they'll know where you have room to grow.  If the coaches continue to meaninglessly favor players and the rest of your team agrees with you, you can very kindly ask them to explain (I'd do this as a team so it doesn't come across as you being selfish).  Don't be pushy or accusatory, and if your team keeps books or game film, use the hard facts to support your case.  If all else fails and you can't stand playing in this same system you can quit, or find another team, though that sounds selfish and petty to me.

    Honestly, it sounds like you're just frustrated for not getting the credit you feel you deserve.  But you can't be the only player on the team playing well if you barely played and you had a winning season.  Swallow your pride.  Volleyball is always a team sport.  I suggest, regardless of the team you're on, you start giving credit where credit is due.  Redouble your support for your team and every player on it, both in games and at practice.  Cheer for your team.  Give players the praise they earn.  You'll probably find it comes back to you pretty quick.

  8. I totally understand what you mean. During 8th grade volleyball (a few years ago), there were 3 girls that were ALWAYS in. They were better than most of the girls, but there were 2 or 3 of us who could have been just as good or better. They were the coach's favorites because their parents were friends with her. You're right-it's not fair. There will be many times where the coach has their favorites, it's just how things go. Because of that, you should push yourself to being better than them to prove to your coach that you don't need to be their favorite to be the best.

  9. thats really unfair. they make us have equal playing time in 7th and 8th grade but it wastn always equal. then on the freshamn team they said that we didnt have to have equal playing time but it was more like ti than 8th grade. i didnt like it much. we had a few people on my team this year that sucked but our coach always seemed to put them in at the same time, so we sucked *** then. but he didnt like them best. well i think your team sounded unfiar. work hard in the off season and dont stop getting better. youll show the coach next year when you get the starting spot and dont make mistakes from practicing. they will bomb next year thinking it will be the same as this year. well good luck and dont stop playing! :-D

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