
Volleyball is starting in a few days and im really nervous about running. Help?

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im 14. i cant run very fast or far. volleyball conditioning starts in a few days. im fine with everything except running. i get out of breath fast. any help?




  1. dont worry. im 6 foot tall, and running is hard for me too. i get outta breathe so quickly.

    act like your good at running, put the pain and tiredness behind you. push your way though all those thoughts and tell yourself you can run! try to be the first done with the running excersizes! it will show your coach that your not sturugglying and that you care! maybe you'll even get captian!

  2. i go through this a lot! at some of the camps i've gone to, i've been the last one to finish the jogs we did. all i have to say is that theres nothing to worry about! nobody really cares. just say in your mind that you love running. push yourself! and you could also start going for jogs during the day or at night. it sure helps me a lot. at one of the camps a trainer there actually helped me when i went for the jog. everyday she told me that she saw an improvement, and by the end of the camp, i ended up winning the most improvement award out of like 50 girls.

  3. u will be fine. i started volleyball conditioning about a month ago and i was soo nervous about it but just relax and give it all ya got.

  4. PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH!!!  At the beginning of this year, I wasn't one of the fastest on our team.  I was the second biggest, so I did tire more quickly.  I was really good at volleyball from the beginning of the year, but running was not my specialty (i had a 7:30 mile time).  Now, everyone else is lucky to finish within a few seconds of me on a 40 m sprint.  The secret: try your hardest every time you run, and the next thing you know, pushing will feel natural, and you will be the fastest.  And guess what?  I'm 14 too, so my advice is valid for you.

  5. In your nose and out ur mouth and bake sure your stomach is moving and not ur chest... Meaning breathe through ur stomach and not ur chest..... I have the same prob. 2 and i made my 7th grade team.... i aint woried about it b/c i know i am good and all i need 2 do is concentrate on wat i am doing.... my conditioning starts on mon. and all u need 2 worry about is being able 2 hit the ball and serve it over...

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