
Volleyball nerves...?

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I was super excited for my volleyball to start. I want to be captain and everything, and i couldn't wait for volleyball to start, but now that it starts this week i got nervous, i am still excited but super nervous! plz help me get over my nerves! thx <3




  1. just stell yourself you will do fine and when you do something wrong just say to yourself everybody else is wrong and i am right

    and practice


  3. dont be nervous at all! just play the game! if u mess up sowhat! it doesnt matter if u win or lose as long as u have fun!! good luck and hope ya bcome captain!


    Mrs Joe Jonas

    Ha ok jk.



  4. Well, if you&#039;ve played before, then you should just try to practice before hand to refresh your memory a pinch, that way you look like you know what you are doing.

  5. just imagine yourself winning dont get all cockey but be confident dont doubt yourself!!

  6. To overcome your nerves convert negative into positive energy.

    Be positive - think about your success, not the failure that may or may not even happen. stay positive, confident and you&#039;ll be fine.

  7. once you start playing you will be fine :) hooray for volleyball!

  8. It normal to be nervous the first week or so. Most people dont play off season! Everyone picks it up after like 2 weeks in to the season. And you&#039;ll get used to the games and everything like that! You&#039;ll be fine! Good luck this season.

  9. Yours probably nervous, because you don&#039;t know anyone on the team. You just have to be out going. I know from experience.  Or maybe your on the team with your friend, and she is sick.. That happened to me! So make alot of friends, and you&#039;ll be fine.

  10. I was nervous too I don&#039;t know 1 person on my volleyball team that was not nervous.If were good enough to mack the team last year then u have a 1 hundred percent chance of macking the teamthis year. Just work your butt off at tryouts and show them that are good enought to have a place on this team! Good luck and don&#039;t be nervous!!

  11. i get the exact same way. just play your own game. dont worry about how everyone is playing around you, that will completely s***w you up. you need to focus on what you are doing. enjoy it, its a learning experience.

  12. i find for sports that the more you practice the less nerviouse you are

  13. That is completely normal, happens to almost everybody.  But once the game starts you&#039;ll be fine.  If you are nervous about not playing good then try and stay after practice just to build up confidence.

  14. what made you so excited ?? think about that stuff playing a game you love be with your friends hitting hard in ppl&#039;s face serving passing setting and hitting
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