
Volleyball players, i need help!!!! :S?

by  |  earlier

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today was my first day of volleyball tryouts out of 3 days, and i have to say -- i need HELP! all my life i thought that when we played volleyball at school i was doing the right moves and everything... wrong.

my coach taught about over 30 that wanted to join the team today the right way to play and im not used to it!!!!! i came home with bloody looking like arms, all in the hopes of making it in the team(:

i have until thursday for my second tryout & monday is my third. we have to SERVE correctly 8/10 of the times to make it in. im not really good at serving, and i dont have a volleyball to practice at home, so what can i do to get myself ready for 2nd tryouts??? [any tips?]

also, what are some other things i should be aware of if i do make it in the team? any tricks for sore arms, moves, my diet, exercises etc?

i really want to know how to get better at serving so i can atleast make the cut :S





  1. Hey I have played vball for a lot of years! I LOVE IT!


    I think if you don't have a volleyball then you should practice your form for serving! All you can do is be your best! I think you should just practice as best as you can!!!!

    Hope I could Help!

  2. I'm practicing for try outs too. don't freak out, just let it come natural to you. keep low at all times and do NOT complain about anything. Coaches want your attitude to be positive and fierce. And most of all, show them that you're coachable. Hustle at all times, do sit ups, crunches, and run everyday. Eat nothing but healthy food. Oh, and also do push ups. it's all of the basics really. at home practice doing the shuffle and crossover, and your approach at the net for a spike. Buy a volleyball, then you can practice doing sets and bumping, and serving! When serving, make sure your toss is in front of the shoulder of the arm of your hitting hand. Right handed, right shoulder. Left handed, left shoulder. Take a step forward, build up your arm power and then SLAM! Make sure you follow through. Oh, and make sure to never let the ball hit the floor, i mean when you go for it, don't just stop because another went for it, ram right into her if you have to, coaches like that.

        i hope i helped!

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