
Volleyball...[[please help!!!]]?

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I am 14. Is it too late to just be starting to learn how to play volleyball? Or if i practice a whole lot, can I learn to play well?? I have a lot of interest in the sport but I never thought I'd be good at it so I never tried to play before. So basically I know nothing about it. Is it too late to start playing volleyball?




  1. its never to late, just practice a lot, r u going out for ur skoool team??? i am and u might be a natural, stay low during volleyball and dont lean back, remember to stay control and work on serves a ton! for underhand take a step before swining and lean for ward. for over hand stand sideways, toss high ish, maybe 2 feet above ur head, and then rotate and smack it iwth ur hand, with quesitons, email me! hope i helped, good luck

  2. no way ive been involved in many sports and i tried vollyball last year and im 12 so dont be afraid to try somethng new!!! oh ya and im also still doing vollyball its like my fav sport right now!

  3. NO IT IS NEVER TO LATE! I started when i was 13 and im pretty good. I started in club vb. Just try it and i promise u will like it. good luck!

  4. it's never too late. practice. play travel teams, rec teams, any team, play by yourself, with a friend, with a bunch of friends. just get out there and have fun.

  5. NO WAY!! its not too late! here are a few things you can do to help you practice!

    you need to remember to stretch your legs because you have to change positions a lot.

    so for the volleyblal part:

    for hitting/bumping/passing (whatever you call it!):

    find an empty wall. throw the ball against the wall and hit it as many times as you can. start out at 20 hitting it back and fourth to the wall. then go up to maybe 35 and try to get 100! it isnt as easy as it sounds!


    you can try to serve it to the same wall. the point is to make it come back to you. try doing about 10-20 of those in a row.


    this is proubabky the hardest thing to practice on your own. the only thing you can really do is to st it to yourself about 10 times in a row or make a like on the driveway with chalk and try to set it just over the line.


    some people are too short and some teams dont like short people to spike. i dont know how tall you are, but i dont know how to help you with spiking other than to use the line of chalk take a few steps away from it...throw the ball in the air like it had been set to you, and run up and spike it over the line.

    hope this helped! good luck!

  6. It is never too late to learn how to play volleyball.  USA Volleyball has 75 and over men's division and 70 and over women's division.  

    You have the right idea.  Practice hard.  Find someone that already plays to work with you.  That way, you are not practicing hard on the wrong skills.  

    Good luck.

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