
Volleyball position drama?!?

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ok this is going to be olng so brace yourself lol

ok so last year me and my best friends tried out for 7th grade volleyball. She had played a year or so and i hadn't but still i didn't suck like half of the girls at tryouts. so at the first practice (we both made the team) the coach had us all line up in front of the basketball hoop. she would toss us 5 balls and we would have to set them to the backboard. the only girls that had relatively good form were the ones that played (my friend and 2 others) so that year those three girls were the only setters. at the end of that season i played club ball with my close friends. i got MUCH BETTER at setting. actually it was quite amazing how much i improved. well my best friend that set in school HATES setting and she is always complaining and she doesn't grasp the idea that the 7th grade year would have sucked if she let whoever wanted to set set! she tells the coach she doen't want to but she says she has to whats best for the team which ...




  1. 1. Don't feel bad about being a setter. A setter is the leader of the team. They always have to know what happening and be vocal. If you want a very important job this is the one.

    2. Talk to your coach. If both you and your friend really want to hit, then you could run a 5-1. In this offense the setter is coming from the backrow, and the frontrow is full of hitters. So, If both you and your friend want to hit, and your other setter isn't very good. This is a  good offense for you. Stick your friend as front left, and you at back right (opposites). You being the setter will come from the backrow to set. When you rotate to the front row you will become the hitter and your friend the setter. I know this is a little hard to understand but there are websites that explain it better.

    Good Luck on your Season!

  2. I think you need to get over it.

    I know that probably isn't what you want to hear, so I won't  "win" this so to speak, but honestly.

    Setting is NOT that bad, it's NOT the end of the world and if you really value her friendship, you will just accept it.

    Most volleyball players would kill to be a skilled setter, so if you have that talent you should be very proud.

    Also, if it really bothers you that much, just talk to your friend about it. If she is a true friend, she will understand. Maybe you could suggest to both her and you coach that you play an offence that consists of two setters. It might be a little complicated, but it would be the best compromise.

  3. Tell your coach to try the two setters technique. Its a little harder, but makes your game killer, and tricks the other girls.

  4. dont feel bad but do wha your coach says. coaches know best and if you can set be proud cause its hard

  5. Setting is the best position and requires more thinking, movement, and leadership abilities, so why are you upset? Your friend is just too naive.

    Every football player starting out wants to be QB, yet no volleyball players want to be setter. Even though both positions are the building block for a great team.

    Once kids understand that volleyball is not just about hitting and they embrace the leadership qualities, importance, and necessity of a good setter, they can adjust quite well to it.

    Anybody can hit a good set, not many people can make a good set out of a bad pass.

    I'm a coach with a complete setting background and I understand all positions are important of course, but the setting position is the hardest to master.

    I too, when I was younger, was reluctant to take on the position full time, but I can tell you from my own experience Hitters are a dime a dozen. Good Setters are rare. If a team has a good setter and average hitters, they will most likely win against a team of good hitters and a bad setter.

    Embrace your new found talent and get better. Who knows, in a few years, your naive friend may just wish she had been able to handle the position herself.

  6. you do what the coach tells you to do. end of story. or you can ask your coach if you and your bff can switch off being setters every other game

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