
Volleyball positions...?

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i am 5' 3" and started as a setter this year on my varsity high school team (sophomore) but i have been told that i am amazing in the back row. i also love to spike from the back row. i love being good at everything but i know i have to be better at one position and focus on that position. my coach plays me at setter sometimes and at libero others. i want to go REALLY far in volleyball and how many short setters do you see? NONE. Should i leave setting behind? what should i play? setter or Libero? Please help me choose...Thanks =]




  1. stay setter

  2. you describe yourself as more of a libero player rather than a setter but you also seem determined and just because your short doesnt mean your a bad setter

  3. well to get into college V-ball.they really look for good setters. If u can set very good then u are guaranteed a good college scholarship. I think that is going pretty far. But just also be a very good overhand setter. I'm a 5' 4'' setter. spiking is very fun for me 2 but without the setter the whole team crumbles. and there are a lot of short setters. they just devolop a lot of upper arm strength

  4. i am also a varsity sophomore that is 5'3'. If you love to spike i wouldn't recommend setter because you may be to tempted =D If you are as good as you say you are then you should start out middle back row and ask your coach if you can play all 6 rotations decide on which one you like better hth

  5. Heyy:]

    well i think you should stick with libero because I agree with somebody else that you as a setter must block when they ar font row.

    Also being a libero (sophmore) it is so much fun and if you want to spike, this is your chance

  6. I think you should go for librero because you seem to enjoy it more.  People find thrills in different aspects of the game.  Personally, I enjoy spiking but many find the same thrill in digging a hard ball.  It's up to you, choose whatever you enjoy more.  On a side note though, a setter does not need to be tall because she neither blocks or spike front row, so its a toss up.  Good luck!  :)

  7. volleyball is a team sport, if you havent been blessed with height to spike, you arent going to go far in volleyball, because there are many others who have been blessed. so move to libero, college womens volleyball always needs shorter more coordinated players to dig the ball!! good luck shorty

  8. Honestly, you should go for libero.

    If you really want to go far, this is the best option. Colleges, travel teams, etc. really look for height, and if you are only 5'3" then I am afraid you will be restricted to the back row.

    Good luck!

  9. well im the same way you are. i really wanna go far.

    and im great in back row and front. but i cant play setter.

    but im 5ft 5 in. but i would say go for setter. because a setter

    is the main thing in the game. with a bad setter..the

    team is nothing. but then again think about ur backrow.

    if u really excel on that..well then go for that.

    but if i wre u. i wud go for setter.



  10. You don't have to leave setting behind.  It will depend on what level you play.  There are short setters in Division II, and didn't they use a relatively short setter in the Olympics last time?  But as fars as DI where the girls range from 5-9 to 6-3, libero may be your best option if you are that good.  Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do, because if you have a great verticle, a lesser D1 team will take a chance on you--meaning one not highly ranked; there are many good teams out there not ranked, but remember if you don't continue to show you can handle yourself with the big girls, you'll end up being a libero anyway and your scholarship will be reduced.  When you graduate, don't worry, you can always set because in USAV it won't matter whether you are short or tall, you will be in demand!

  11. well there is a 5' 1" setter for the UH volleyball team and she is really good

    also spiking is fun i agree but that is best for super tall people

    i went to this volleyball tryout and the coach like people that are better at EVERYTHING you don't wanna focus on one position because if you only have one spot to go to and there's this one girl that is better than you at it then you can't play, so that would suck...but overall i really think it's way better to be good at every position than just one spot

  12. I think that the best way to go would be as Libero.  Partly because as setter with some plays you would be in the front row, which could be difficult if a spike comes and you cannot block in case of emergency... I'm also quite short and the Libero position is one that I can not worry about my height as much :-)

    I'm 5'3'' as well!!

    Good luck in your decision!

    luckynumba23 ;-)

  13. NO, no, no!!! Stay right where you are! It's really better to be able to play more than one position. You see, I play for the team at my school and I can pretty much play any position. I'm like a utility player, and so therefore the coach moves me around wherever she needs me and then I get more playing time. If you're great at both, keep practicing both and that will show the coach your versatility and consequently earn you more playing time. Good luck!

  14. Sounds like you're quite the athlete; good for you.  As a coach and p.e. teacher I would advise you to stick with Libero if you had to make a choice.  You are probably quick and have good reflexes enabling you to dig balls.  Setting is very important as well, but like you said, in college it's usually taller people at the net.  

       Good luck.  I don't know if you necessarily need to choose one at this time.  If the coach has confidence in you at both positions, it only makes you look that much better in my eyes.

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