
Volleyball practice tomorrow...?

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I have the first official volleyball practice tomorrow. I am in the 8th grade and I will be a volleyball player int he ninth grade. These are the.."pre" tryouts you can say and I am looking to impress the coach. One problem: I am slow. I am an extremely slow runner, but I am quick on my feet in a game, but how can I make sure she sees that I am a good player, but a slow runner?




  1. Even if you are slow give it your all.  Also call the ball really loud.  That is what coaches look for communication and hustle.  So just give it your all and cheer your team on and call the ball super loud so the whole gym can hear you.  That is what I did and I made it on the A team.

    Good Luck, I know you can do it,

    Live (Olivia) the volleyball gal

  2. i think youre good

  3. just try your best

  4. dive!

  5. That sounds just like me.

    I don't think it should matter that much. A girl on my time is the states fastes sprinter, but yet she is a horrible volleyball player.

    Just prove to her when you are practicing and she probaly won't even notice your slow.

    Just try hard and have a postitive attitude.

    Good luck! =]

  6. Don't worry i have the same problem... just call the ball and show the coach all you strengths.. that's all that matters.. as  long as you can controll the ball, serve, and set you should be OK.

  7. speed isnt everything

    just makes sure coach sees how good you can be.

  8. You don't have to do a  whole lot of running in volleyball so I wouldn't worry about that. Just give it your all and when she sees how dedicated you are I'm sure she will want you on the team.

  9. just do the best you can and good luck

  10. I really don't think that it will matter how slow you are. If you just concentrate and keep your head in the game everything will go great. I am a vball player my self i am not that fast but if i am really into it everythign goes the way it should. DON'T GET COCKY!!

  11. Go to this website: http://www.strength-and-power-for-volley...

    it will back me up on this

    running a lot of laps isnt effective for volleyball players- sprints are.  doing plymetrics can help, esp "bunny" or "frog" jumping or jump roping for speed on the court and vertical height.  dont worry if youre a slow runner- its just important that youre quick on your feet and in back row your quick to back up the front row if youre in that position.

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