
Volleyball pratice skills?

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im trying out for a volleyball team this summer, and i want to know, what are sum really good way to help prepare for the team, and get into shape? any special techniques to pratice. and what do coachs look for in a volleyball player?




  1. well you can get a ball and bump if off your forearms as many times in a row as you can. when my coach picks players he looks for ppl who r willing to learn and work hard. and get ur self a pair of knee pads and practice slidding on a gym floor (if ur playing indoors)

  2. coaches look for drive and how you play on the court, not only skill wise, but attitude wise. They look for who are teachable and try out the advide people give them and for people who are willing to work hard for the team, because first and foremost, volleyball is a team sport.

    But....this isn't the same for all coaches, some look completely at skill alone, but alot of them take attitude into consideration, if you're gonna be whiney and give alot of back talk and excuses, consider yourself benched.

  3. If I were your coach, I would like to see your vertical and flexibility. Train your back and legs before getting into the camp. Other skills can be developed, if you have those assets.

  4. Here is a very good drill that you can do by yourself that will definitely improve your game...

    While standing (erect), start bumping or setting to yourself. Then, slowly, start to lower yourself, and sit on the floor, all without stopping. See if you can go from erect, to sitting, back to erect while continuing to set or bump to yourself. If you can do that twice, you will surely make your team.

  5. Coaches look for good teamwork, backing your person up, good sportsmanship, just being able to serve semi-well, moving to the ball, caling the ball, and setting (it's one of the harder volleyball skills to learn.)

    To get into shape run, or bike ride, or play other sports or go swimming, really just get excersize.

  6. As a coach myself...

    The best way inpress a coach is to practice serving the ball to a chair.

    I know this may sound weird, but it works.

    Put an X on the chair (tape, marker)>

    Try to hit the ball in the same spot everytime.>

    After you have masterd that move the chair around your would be court. Do the same procedure.

    By doing this you'll become a great server. You should always target the weakest player (every team has one look for her)

    once you located her spike the ball like it was your life last hope.

    Once the team see you are targeting her they will run to her aid. DO this like once more.

    When you serve the entire team will run to her aid.. so on the next serve target the floor where one of the players were before they thougt they knew your game plan. get it?

    no way you can loose then!

    Good luck, this skill may sound easy, but it takes time and persistance.

    Another tip when you master the one above, try serving low, so that it looks as if it will hit the net. make it fall right in front of her face, then shell remember to block!

  7. I am also trying out this summer. From making all-stars, I have learned that coaches are looking for a few things:

    1. SERVE

    A good serve can make all the difference. It doesn't matter what kind of serve you do as long as you have it down, so find someting you're good at and practice, practice, practice.


    These are really basic skills, just make sure they're perfect. If they aren't coaches will eliminate you right off the bat. Form and consistency are two main things to look for.


    If you were a coach, would you pick someone who didn't hustle or always complained?

    Upper body strength is a big deal, too, so if you are having touble, working on that will help. Try taping yourself to look at your form and remember practice makes perfect! If you don't make it or before you try out, if you can, ask your coach for constructive criticism so you don't waste time.

  8. Camps are awesome, especially if they are small and you get a lot of individual attention at them. Look into the different clubs in your area and see if any of them are doing camps, those are some of the best to get into. Conditioning is REALLY important, be able to run a mile in 8 minutes, lift weights and focus on your legs and shoulders. Work on placing your serves and directing your passes. Also work on your approch, your vertical and putting your tips and spikes in holes on the other side of the net.

    As far as what coaches look for, of course they look for skill. But, they also look for attitude and willingness to learn. They look at how you interact with other teammates and leadership. Encourage others around you, have a great attidue, listen and follow directions and you'll stand out.

  9. keep your vertical extremely high... that is the most important thing you can do if you are planing on playing front row. You can do that by jump rope, or running up stairs and such.

  10. to get into shape, i would suggest running. every coach i ever had made us run. do calf raises everyday all day to increase your vertical. work on your techniques. coaches look for girls who have drive, the passion to play, and coach-ability. i would take a girl with average height and talent over someone who was a standout, but has a bad attitude.

  11. Build up your endurance in your legs and cardio by doing interval yourself a nice sandhill and train daily to run up the hill and walk down and repeat to near exhaustion then clear the muscles of their lactic acid by swimming or cycling. I also recommend to run stairs so find yourself a nice tall fire escape and practice running up the first....each step and when accustomed after a week or on your power take off by skipping one step....a week later or so....skip 2 steps...etc....before long you are a freaky jumping machine with the endurance of a p**n star...JK !! Anyways, its the BEST training you can give yourself because a coach can mold your skills pretty quickly with the right attitude but molding your body is YOUR job!

  12. A little conditioning, such as distance running, cycling, or swimming, won't hurt, but your vertical jump and your volleyball skills are what your coach is going to be looking for.  Find a volleyball partner and practice passing a lot.  Have your partner or your brother or your father or someone that is willing to make you work drive volleyballs at you.  This is the ideal conditioning for volleyball.

       Find some way to pratice your serve.  Just serving against a line on the garage will help.  The hardest thing to work on without a gym and teammates is your spike.  Practice an approach without the ball.

  13. well well...this is my 3rd year doin club volleyball!

    BUMPING:just make sure that when u pass it u guide it with your arms dont try and make it as high as possible! Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart! Make sure you're low also! Be ready for anything that comes your way! Make sure u also call the ball and talk! When a ball doesnt come exactly to you...dont run wit ur hands together cause u dont have much speed! and also if a ball is right by u but not exactly to u move that foot (which is closer to the ball) over and just lean that way!

    SETTING: Make sure u have one foot infront of the other!Your thumbs and the index fingers come together and make a triangle! Dont let the ball hit ur palm because u want it right on ur finger tips! Make sure u use your legs to get some power!

    HITTING: Do you know your approach? If ur right handed then its: left, right, left....if ur left handed then its right, left,right! When u are about to hit it make sure that your hand it open and not closed! Make sure your follow through and you snap! BUT!!! Dont follow through all the way or you'll hit the net!

    BLOCKING: make sure u square up wit the hitter! Make sure your thumbs are touching and your hands are spread out WIDE!!! When the hitter gets ready to hit and the hitters arms cross their face thats when u jump! dont just jump when the hitter jumps cause then you'll be late!

    JUST PRACTICE! for excercising u can do jump ropes to get ur verticle stronger! (makes u jump higher)

  14. my coach always says that he looks for a good attitude on and off the court and nerves of steel and ice cold water in the veins lol that just sounds painful don't be afraid of the ball take it head first (not literally) just practice everything that you know go to your local VB courts and practice with a friend or even by your self i do all the time and to its according what you want to be are you working or spiking or setting blocking just what ever you got your heart set on go for it and what ever you do just play hard and have FUN cuz look if you don't make it this time there is always next year and ALWAYS remember bend your knees and kinda crouch we call it our go position  when the ball is in play just play and have fun and remember to have very good control of the ball and that tipping and dinking hurt with finger nails lol and when your serving its not ALL about how hard you hit the ball its that you get it over and IN don't try to over power your serve find YOUR comfort level the turn up the muscle in it and all ways look intimidating and don't be intimidated by your opponents and team work that's what its all about and also remember to Call the ball just say GOT IT!!!!! or MINE!!!!!! something to that effect that prevents a pile up and if your going to spike jump as high as you can same for blocking get up there and get a bite of it lol (once again not literally)

  15. serves are always good make sure they are constice and being able to set would be great

  16. hi! ive been playing volleyball for five yrs. now. to train you should practice your serves- over and undehand daily, losing a serve is like giving the other team free points. and, practice normal over-the-net hits, this will teach you to know how much force you need to put on the ball. digging- thats a tuff one, so if you have a friend that wants to help you train have them make low serves, and you can dig them out. *remember- you CAN play off of the net, so do so. as for what the coaches look for, they look for a tough girl thats not afraid to take a hard fall or slide to get the ball over the net. and usually it really helps if your tall, the taller the better. if you need to get in to shape do lots of cardio daily. keep your heart rate up. good luck!

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