
Volleyball prep?

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I'm going to try out for v-ball this year. I have never played v-ball before, but i have a friend who is very good, and will teach me. But I was wondering if there are any workouts or excersizes that will help me play...Thanks!




  1. jump rope

  2. you need to start working out, you have to have strong legs and you can just start jumping up on things like a safe chair to build your legs! good luck at tryouts!and also try alot of sprinting and jogging my team runs 2 and a half miles a day so i would be prepared!

  3. shoulders and thighs have to be in shape.

    hitting, serving and setting are require shoulder power so pushups are probably good for that.

    you always have to be low and ready so you have to have thighs of steel. squats, lunges, wall sits, anything like that is helpful too.

    you dont have to have too much endurance but you do have to be quick on your feet. so try doing some sprints and maybe a little bit of distance running. but if you know the game well, you dont have to worry about that too much.

    good luck!

  4. Well my advice is to just keep up w/ eating right and excersizing...u can also weight lift... that will help build ur muscls up so u can hit it better.

  5. i have played v-ball 4 so long.

    you will luve it!!!!!!!!

    tips by : brina

    1. you have to be in shape 4 v-ball

    try jogging one or two laps every two days 4 a week or more (if u want!)(dont over run your self: jogg with a friend or family member.)

    2.gallop across your yard ( beacuse the vollyball can go on either side of the cort)

    3. aways be ready for the ball 2 come over.

    4. relax on your serves. and act like the ball is some one who gets on your nerves!LOL!

    5. always sterch before games and practice!

    6 . once a week seet all aside and have a fun day.(eat icecream , bubble bath, watrch tv , exct..............

    hope u take tips from a pro. LOL!!!!!

  6. Just don't get crushed under any guys.  That is how I bruised my ribs.  Other than that, just make sure your shoulders are in good shape.

  7. RUN, push ups, and crunches....try to get into a routine of exercising.

  8. i have played vball fo a long time and love it....practice like setting the ball up..then go on 1 knee..then both, then sit down...then lay down...then sit...then both knees..then 1 knee..then stand up

    you can also go 2 an athletic club and go into a racquet ball cage and just serve it 2 the wall

    u can also go 2 your school's open gyms

    pepper pass w/ your friends....u can also do the 3 person pepper pass....ask me if u dont kno how 2 do it

  9. Suicides. Meaning, run from one line to the next, touch it, go back to start line, touch start line, run to the second line, touch it, go back to start...etc.

    Helps you move fast on your feet. REALLY tiring but a good exercise.

    Well, all you have to do is keep on practising. I wasn't good at v-ball in grade 3, but I made team all the years that I have tried out. All because I practised. You can also just practise bumping and volleying a ball to yourself. Remember to keep your arms straight and flat when bumping! =)
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