
Volleyball problem?

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I rock at volleyball! coach obviously didn't think so, hence, I'm on the B team. I cried for an hour. I think this is an unfair decision, seeing as I am the only one who has come to every single practice, and one of the few that can serve the ball over the net 3 times in a row without it hitting the net. I think I am rather good at volleyball and a girl on my teams dad used to be a pro and he said I rocked! I think the teams are a popularity contest. A lot of the people on the A team are either in my coaches class, have an older bro or sis that was in volleyball, or is very loud. I am really really super duper sad about his please please please what do I do??? I really think I deserve this and I think you would too if you saw me sobbing right now and came to my practices! PLEASE I DONNO WHAT TO DO! Please no negative comments like maybe you actaully are just not good and stuff like that.




  1. Talk to your teacher, let him know how you feel, maybe he has reasons for not picking you and giving you bs. If you really want something you have to fight for it.

  2. There are a lot of little issues with this problem.  

    1) Go talk to your coach and pretty much tell him everything that you put on here.  If that doesn't get you onto the A team, then (if he's a good coach) he should at least tell you what you should work on.  If he doesn't, you NEED to ask him what you need to work on/why you aren't on it.  Then really focus on those things and keep getting better.

    2) Another issue which is a very sad thing is that sometimes coaches do play favorites.  This is terrible, but unfortunately it does happen from time to time, and the coaches that do this usually don't last too long as a coach.  If this is the case, all you can really do is tough it out and just keep working your hardest and doing your best until he has no choice but to put you on the team.

    3) Although I love players that have a positive attitude, what I get from what you've written, you're may be a little too high.  Coaches (and teammates) love modesty.  If you truly are a great player then the way to show people is by your skills, not by your words.  All sports, especially the game of volleyball is team oriented.  You couldn't win if there was only 1 of you.  On every play, somebody does something, and positive encouragement, as well as not boasting helps build a strong team.  

    Now i don't know how good you really are, and i understand that you may just be saying those things on here because you're trying to prove a point and paint a picture for us.  But when you go to your coach, be modest about your skills, but you still need to positive about yourself.  Tell him that you think you're good, and how hard you're working and everything that goes along with that.  But do not tell him that you know that you're good, or know that you're the best.  As far as this goes, you dont  know anything for certain.  The only things that you know, are that you'll work your hardest.  You can only KNOW effort, never skill.

  3. First of all... dont cry. It doesnt help your situation. Just because youre on the B team doesnt mean you'll be on it forever. Last year there was a girl who made it on the c team... she was willing to work hard and practice when she could. In about a couple of weeks she was moved up to Varsity. Dont worry about it.

    what you can do:

    -give 200% on the court

    *they always say give a 110% to practice... well surprise them by giving them 200% on the court and 210% in games.

         -be consistent on everything... great serves everytime... great hits everytime...

         -be a good sport... congratulate your team mates

         -when you go for water breaks; run  fast and get water then continue to practice while others socialize

    You know, maybe its not because he hates you. It may be because he expects more out of you. Show him that you can go beyond his expections.

    Go get 'em.

  4. every coach is like that sad as it is to say if ur not in hs then its gonnna be like that!.

    do club tilll u get to hs!


    u will do fine no worries as long as u get to play rite?!

    best of wishes to ya.!!

  5. try to join a year round vollyball team. But al least this way you can shine on the B team :D

  6. show him what he missed out on

  7. maybe you have too much confidence.....wait a minute. yes you do.
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