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Question, in the game of volleyball why is it impossible that I not hurt my hands REALLY BAD after coming in contact with the ball? I'm thinking about trying out next year..and i kinda need to get good REALLY FAST!! please help.




  1. practice< that would be good>  lol

    that kewl that you like volleyball . love it

  2. it is not impossible but is a simple sequence when you start practicing,your posture improves n your hands get used to angles that you play.Then the mind gets used to the plans n the plots.Then the legs get used to get synchronised with the brain.n in the mean while even the skin gets used to the irritation n it gets tough just as u start working in a job like carpentary etc u get blisters the first few days and then they get adjusted in the very way it gets painful but that helps you in getting tough n tougher.

  3. I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!! DEfinatly practice , but the thing that will improve you the most is being on a team!

  4. ya ummm your gonna need to uhhh Practice, it is not impossible to get hurt what do you think the pros do the ball goes like 70 miles and they just do an easy volley, your gonna have to get used to it if you want to try out.

  5. just practice and you will get used to it. Then it won't hurt as much anymore.

  6. I have to agree with Mangagal that playing on a team is the best way to get good...You might look for a summer league to join for practice.  Even a rec league would get you some time with the ball, even if the players aren't super competitive.

    The first few times you bump the ball, your hands/wrists are going to hurt...there's really no way around this, unfortunately.  But the good news is that it will get easier the more you do it.  Also, watch where the ball is hitting your hands...the more you can keep the contact point at the base of your thumbs, as opposed to your wrists, the less it will hurt.

  7. you just need more contact with passing.

    i know that if i take a month off, my arms sting after passing but it subsides after a few minutes.

    also, you could be using really crappy balls, like the almost plastic kind. i hate those.

    try working with the nicer ones like a Tachikara Sensi-Tec until your arms get used to those, and then incorporate the ones you'll be using if you make the team.

  8. Once your arms get used to it , it won't hurt anymore and your arms won't get as red as when you started. Like walking it took you a while to start walking when you were younger so think of this as walking and keep trying!!
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