
Volleyball question. please please anwser this question, im stumped on what to do.?

by  |  earlier

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alright so heres the deal... me and my team were getting ready for a volleyball game, it was probly the most serious one of the year,we were gettin changed and stuff... anyways i went to grab my compression shorts (spandex) and my friend looked and said " what are those" and i said Spandex you wear them too. He said i dont wear chicks spandex, they started laughing and i had no other choice but to wear them under my shorts like everyone else, after the game i realized how much more comfie they were than my mens, is it ok if i wear girls spandex under my shorts... kinda creepy to ask, but its for comfort right?




  1. I am with you.

    This is a free world where people can do anything as long as it doesn't affect other people's free world. In your scenario, you wear something that is covered by your volleyball shorts, like I wear baseball sliding pants under my volleyball shorts... it is nobody's business but your own.

    Don't be so upset by your teenage friends. They need something to make their day and you appear to have filled their void. The more you react to their "challenge", the more they will pick on you. Try to find something else that could distract them, and you should be fine.

  2. You wear shorts over your spandex? I just wear spandex and nothing over it. We are required to wear them like that. We cant wear shorts over. Its against the rules...

  3. If it fits and you're comfortable, wear it. That simple.

  4. um... I where spandex because i am a girl and i think they rock so why cant you.... plus the basketball team in my town (boys) have to where spandex under there shorts... i dont even really know why

  5. hey, i wear spandex when i play sometimes, so i don't think there is a problem. you can wear whatever you want under your clothes, provided it is the same color as the primary color of the jersey, or it is not jewelry. if you find it comfortable, and are embarrassed to change in front of your friend, just change in the locker room, or away from everybody. don't let your friends make fun of you for the clothes you wear under your shorts, just say "hey, what are you looking down there for?" have fun with volleyball (and your spandex).

  6. This is not a creepy question. I think it's perfectly fine as long as it's comfortable for you. That guy watchin you change, and looking ever so closely at what you are about to put over your that's creepy!

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