
Volleyball question!!!! plz help!!!?

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In a high school vollyeyball scrimmage is each player on the team supposed to have a chance to rotate to all six spots? In one scrimmage? I ask this because, today at my scrimmage I only got to play for a total of 2 minutes in BOTH scrimmages i had today! I don`t think its fair because some of the other girls on my team got to play for like a VERY long time. i mean, i did`nt even get to serve not even once! there are also 10 people on my team




  1. have fun!

  2. if ur a good sever then idk y maybe if your in 2nd posittion and you get out and come back inat 6th position then you probably suck at serving and its todably up to the coach

    maybe you should ask the coach why you not playing

    that happended to me and i stoped play bc i wasn't cheering enough

    if i where you i'd ask the coach

  3. Sorry to hear.

    I guess it all depends on if you were having the "good" day today. When I have a bad day, I only get to play setter. That takes about 3 min.

    Hope everything goes well and best of luck figuring something else out!!

  4. Its really up to the coach in scrimages.  Maybe they put in different girls because they needed to practice more.  Or you weren't doing good so thats why you didnt get to play much.  But, either way HAVE FUN!!!

  5. Are you a good a good server? Do you really love the game? You need to go and have a mature talk with your coach... If you know you need some work in some areas, then when you are talking to your coach, mention that you are willing to work hard and you need some help. Most coaches admire that and are willing to help you. Be open and willing to take criticism. You will only get better!!!

  6. Whenever I play, I get to go to all six spots, but it really dpends on what position that you play, your skill level, and your ability to play as a team player. In high school, the coach does not have to play you and will generally play like 6 or 7 girls the entire game. It's something that you just have to deal with. You need to be really committed, give 100% every time you play even just in warm ups, and make sure that you communicate and are loud. I f you let balls drop, your coach will take you out so be prepared. Remember, in high school it's not about being fair, it's about iwnning.

  7. In a scrimmage, its pretty much up to the coach.  If I were you, I'd just keep your head up and worry about your position.  When you chance comes, smash it down the other teams throat.  Also, speaking as a male observer...Volleyball is the most enjoyable sport to watch.

  8. Dont take it personally what the coach does.  I have been in scrimmages where he plays one person the whole time.  Then during the season he got a total of about i game in.  So dont worry about it the coach is just trying new things.

  9. hi....

    it´s really annoying if you do not play for a long time in a scrimmage. I can understand you.

    But a scrimmage a possibility for the coach and the team to

    a) practise playing together (tactics)

    b) practise new constallations

    c) proof the skill of some persons

    d) to let play teammates, which haven´t played during season so often..

    Don´t worry, there could be different reasons why you only played for such a short time..

    Maybe the coach think you are too good or he only want to test a different game-situation you are not involved normally.

    hey and remember volleyball is a game with six players and substitutes.. who is on the bench really depends on if you are really good, have a good or bad day. or if there are others fitting better at the moment..

    don´t worry, i am sure you´ll get your chance..:)

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