
Volleyball question!!!?

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I need to learn how to do an overhand serve. Can someone explain to me hom to do it properly. When I try(im not sure if im doing it right) it only goes like 6 feet and im putting all my effort into it. Details pls!! Thanks




  1. jus  throw it up and hit it wit all your strenth!!!!!!!!!

    and the harder you hit it the farther it goes!!!!!!!!!!!

    this is Joshuas sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and imm on the "A" team at McCollum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in SAN ANTONIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. weakling..

    nah im kidding

    i got a great overhand serve

    i guess im just good like taht thoguh

  3. You need to start by throwing the ball over the net.  The breakdown of the overhand serve is the same as the mechanics of throwing a ball.  If you release the ball too early or too late you will not be successful in overhand serving.  If you can throw a volleyball over the net from the service line, then you can overhand serve.

    Once you get this down, then you can work on your toss and contact.

  4. ah..

    its so hard to teach over the computer...

    i advise getting together with some friends..

    or going to camp

    good .luck prefecting you overhand serve.

    best of wishes to ya.!!

  5. make sure that you are getting plenty of hieght when tossing the ball.

    A good toss will land right in front of your forward foot if you let it fall and dont try to hit it.

    hit through the ball and not at it.

    keep your wrist strong and dont let it go jello.


  6. start by getting the toss you want the toss about 1ft above you hitting arm extended you want the toss over your hitting shoulder then eventually make contact with the ball with the palm of your hand and remeber to transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you swing through the ball remeber you have the whole line to serve so if your serves tend to go left move farther to the right and vis versa keep working and good luck!

  7. OMG! I was just like you =). I sucked at overhand serving-for the longest time.

    here's how I got through it: PRACTICE.

    next, if you're right handed...

    1. place the ball in your left palm, but leave maybe a thumb length of a hole between the ball and your palm. don't have your palm flat.

    2. move your left hand so it's directly in front of your right eye.

    3. Don't stick your arm STRAIGHT out in front.  make a mild bend into it...maybe a 45ish or less degree angle.

    4. place your right hand on top of the ball with a REALLY WIDE & strong right hand.  DON'T BREAK YOUR WRIST.  if someone is to punch your palm, your hand should still be stiff and not all. this is CRITICAL!

    6. Move your arm back (KEEP IT STIFF STILL) and then straight up (90 degree)

    7. thoss the ball straight up (The best place it should be is maybe a foot above your head).  Make sure the ball is in front of you.

    8. OH! I FORGOT TO MENTION.  stand with your left foot in front of your right (a foot in front) and put the weight on your right foot.  stand as if you're just cruising.  back to the tip: step with your left foot as you toss the ball.

    9. Smack the ball as if you're punching someone with a wide palm straight up in the nose

    10. you should end with all the weight on your left foot now and your palm should be straight out (the easiest example I can think of that is perfect is the Hitler salute lmao) and your hand should be maybe as high as your forehead?

    hope you understand what i said. lmao.  GOOD LUCK! if not, just go to your coach and ask for help =)

  8. place the ball in your non hitting hand put your serve hand over on top pull arm back throw step with opposite of serve hand and go all the way through and hit it worked 4 me

  9. Just practice throwing the ball up in the air, and when its at ur comfort level practice hitting it. If you feel you dont have enough force than try using the punch techniqe instead of the slap/hit, either way is allowed in my games!!

  10. start by just throwing it up in the air DON"T HIT IT once you get it in the same place you can start hitting it i throw it up a couple inches from the hand when its in the air then keep your hand open and hit it on the bottom of your palm and follow through.

  11. Practice your toss.  If you are right handed start with your left foot toward closest to the net.  Toss the ball 2 to 3 feet above your right shoulder and in front of your right shoulder.  Do about 100 of these without hitting the ball.  

    Go to the 3 meter line (10 foot line) and start with your left foot forward.  Plant your right foot.  Do not step with your right foot.  Drag it if you have to, but do not step with it.  (If your right foot gets in the air, you will not get your serve over.)  You can take a small step with your left foot, but try not to.  Do your toss and serve the ball.  Get your serve over 5 times and then take one step back.  Get the ball over 5 times and take one step back.  Keep doing this until you are back to the serving line.  

    There are 3 normal problems with the overhand serve.  The toss, stepping with the right foot and your mind not thinking you can get the serve over.  Do not be impatient.  Keep working the above drills and you will notice the improvements.

  12. If you are a right handed, stand about 4 to 5 steps away from the back line with your left foot forward.  Hold the ball up with your left hand in front of you at an arm length.  Make sure the ball is aimed above the net at your vantage point.  Put your right hand behind your right ear.  Proceed forward with your right foot, (at your second step with your left foot) bend your knees and toss the ball in the air and hit the ball with the heal of your open hand and snap your wrist down.

    Keep practicing it.

  13. hi

    if your right handed....

    oh kay.

    1. well first take a volleyball and hold it with two hands. one if front and one in back. hold it not over your head but in front so you can see it. [but still at an angle so you have to look up and see it.]

    2. make sure your left foot is pointed in front of you and your right foot is behind your left but facing at an angle to the right

    sorry kind of confusing.

    3. then [while holding the ball up] put your back of your right hand so it touches your ear. with your elbow back

    4. then throw the ball up [not too high but give it a push] then swing your arm back and stretch it as high as you can

    5. and while your arm is  moving forward transfer your weight from your right foot to your left.

    6. hit the ball as hard as you can and follow thru with your arm.....

    7. hit the ball with a flat hand

    sorry if it was confusing.


    good luck

  14. ok I am a great over hander. i put my out like I was waving and then facing my hand on my pony behind my head. throw a good toss raise ur hand arch backward -not to far back- and then comethrough . ur hand should still be high in the air. its easier showing u in person

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