
Volleyball...quit or stay(until end of may!!!)?

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So I was really looking forward to trying out for this volleyball team, but was unsure if I would make it because it was a travel team. I made the team.The coach is a real jerk and mean. She always yells at the team and we can never do anything right. She never offers any type of help or good advice but will just yell at us.She is also really rude to me and my mom and refuses to email us back or call us back when we have questions about traveling. I am not used to this type of coaching, and this is not what I signed up for. All her yelling is stressing me out so much that I dread going to practice days in advance, and I have had nervous breakdowns and migraines a couple times a week. I would be able to deal with her, but my teamand I don't really connect. They are nice enough but they are already friends with each other from previous years or high school. If i quit I will have to pay, but in the long run it will be cheaper and I will be able to work again on the weekends. Should I quit




  1. Well, she seems like a coach who had really high expectations for a team...and you guys just weren't it. NO offense meant, not saying you guys are bad!!! has she ever coached before? maybe she was coaching an older team, and they were dynamite.

    Here, I'm going to agree with what Red Bull said: it all comes down to your love of the game. If you are willing to stick with it to make yourself a better player, then do it. But if you feel that it is really hurting you, and that you NEED to quit the stress, then stop. There's no sense in pushing yourself to such an extreme that you will break yourself.

    But if you REALLY love the game of volleyball, try to stick with the coach. Don't yell/talk back to her, just do as she says and try to make this easier on your self/teammates.

    Best of luck!

  2. well how much do u love volleyball/ if u love it that much then stay in it. if it is cheaper to drop out then drop out and get on with ur live it is ur choice to make the right decision!

  3. well, i play on a traveling team, too. our coach is one of the strictest our region. I am used to it though because our school coach is also very strict. i am not the best and i am not the worst. i was about to cry this last tourney because he yelled at me even though i didnt do anything.

    if you love it that much, i think you should stay. but if you having problems with your coach, you could quit.

    hope this helps

    ♥ *G E E

  4. if ur unhappy.. then dont play the sport.. **personal experience**  it worse if u like the sport but the people u are around dnt really have an inviting feel. i would go and play somewhere else if ur unhappy.. but if it is the best thing that can ever happen to u and u playing volleyball maybe it might be worth stayin so u can get the best out of the sport for ur future..

  5. First of all, I have to get all of my laughs out at the people who say "OMG I PLAY VOLLEYBALL TOO!!!!". its the volleyball section, we're assuming you do. second, dan is the only one talking any sense. it isn't whether you love the sport or not, if you hate the coach that much, quit. now. find a new club, I'm sure you could find a better team and coach. there are hundreds of clubs out there. personally I'm amazed you haven't quit already, if you have migraines and nervous breakdowns because of it. stop hurting yourself and your self esteem and go find yourself a better club.

  6. it is up to you. If you love it stay with it. If you like it, still stay with it. If you are in the middle, you should still stay with it. If you really want to quit, then quit.

  7. well it all depends how much do you love volleyball? if you truley think your better off without being on this team QUIT but if you want to learn more and try and have fun DONT. its up to you.

    from the sound of it quit......

  8. If it is affecting you very very deeply negatively - then quitting seems the logical choice.

    If you look at it - as part of life's lessons - then you may gain something from the unpleasant experience. You of course, can't react to the yelling, etc.  No one can take such yelling, etc seriously because you don't want 'it' to affect you. You want to concentrate on improving, making no mistakes, playing better, etc etc. All that yelling and agro, etc you have to screen out - and if the coach asks - Why didn't you listen to me! I was yelling and screaming, wasn't I? You simply have to say - Oh, I have to screen all of that out - so that I can concentrate on playing better for you!

    It's tough to know - whether you will gain anything worthwhile - by sticking it out for a little longer.  One never knows what can happen in life, etc etc.

  9. I also play volleyball! Sometimes a coach like that is unbearable. It depends... do you LOVE volleyball? Does you're coach pinpoint you when she acts like a jerk? I'd give it another week or two. If you still can't bear practice then quitting is your best option.

  10. If I were you I would quit. Period.

    There are tons of clubs out there and lots of great coaches available. If you don't feel this coach is who you like to play with (and you are not getting any help from her), quit it and try a different team/club.

    This has nothing to do with "whether you love volleyball (or the sport)", it is like you have a job but you don't like the boss... find a better job then.

  11. I PLAY VOLLEYBALL 2! n e way if u really r stressed n everything and u think its affecting ur playing ability i would say practice on your own or get in another club!( i play at capecoast) n e way u can always play for ur skool next year! good luck!


  12. i agree with Dan_Ye

    sometimes the best thing to do is just quit and find something else that's better. i don't necessarily mean quit playing volleyball, but maybe find somewhere else to play that you can feel more comfortable and confident in. good luck!

  13. if you truly like volleyball you should stay.

    make friends with your teamates and im sure you will enjoy it more.

    you cant get worse as a player only better and it will only make you a stronger person if you decide to tough it out

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