
Volleyball rotation/positions?

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i dont get how you play a certain position on the team if youre supposed to rotate?

can someone tell me who goes where when recieving and serving?




  1. It is hard to understand when you are first figuring out the game. the best learning tool I have found is the volleyball web site. There's lots of articles about the different ways to set up a team for offense and defense, and some visual explanations too! Good luck!

  2. its up to the coach

    you can ask your coach?

  3. Once you rotate, and the player serves the ball over, everyone has to run to their assigned positions on the court. It's difficult to try and remember where you're supposed to run, especially during a game, because everyone gets nervous and forgets, but after some time you'll start to remember.

    I play left, so I have to always remember to run to the left side once the ball goes over the net. And when I serve (on the right side), as soon as the ball goes over the net, I run to the back left. If the other team gets the point, my team has to go back to our starting positions. And if the next point is ours, we rotate, and as soon as the ball goes over we run to our positions again. I know it's very complicated, but when you practice with your coach and team, your coach should explain it to you over and over as many times as needed until you begin to remember where you're supposed to be and when. I wish you the best of luck! And remember that if it's difficult at first, it will NOT get any harder. With time, it will get easier!

  4. here are the positions:

           1       6        5


           2       3        4

    1 is server

    2 is setter

    3 is middle blocker

    4 is outside hitter

    5 is right back

    6 is middle back


    the way u rotate is:

    say the coach puts u as a passer ( positions 1, 6, and, 5..) when a setter is at the setters spot and about 2 serve than he/she Will take them out and put u in because you r good at back row.... if u are a setter and u r at the outside hitter position than as soon as the ball is served than you and the person at setter position will run and switch places.... 2 setters will at least be on the court so 1 setter will always be back row an the will always be 2 positions away from each other.... so basically if you play front row than when u r about 2 go in the the back you will get switched with someone that plays back row and visa versa............   HOPE I HELPED..... I not than ask ur coach......

  5. Serving is at the back far right position and everybody else is receiving. You have to run to where your position on the team is after the server (on any side) contacts the ball. Its really frustrating but its what you have to do.

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