
Volleyball serving help for someone who is not very strong (read below)?

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I need help serving a volleyball. I am not very strong though. Are there any tips anyone has for making the ball go across the net easily. And if not, just tell me how to serve so that I can see if I'm doing it right or not.





  1. What everyone said above is right.

    Another tip that they didnt say is always keep your elbow above your shoulder when you serve. It makes a huge difference. try it with and without your elbow.

    good luck!

  2. First of all, make sure you are stepping properly.  When you are contacting the ball, your opposite foot should be out in front.  Meaning, if you are right handed, when you hit the ball with your right hand, your left foot should be out in front.

    Next, make sure your toss is consistent.  I tell my players to make sure they can toss the ball and every time it lands right next to the inside of their foot.  Make sure it is also not to low either, you should not be contacting the ball right next to your head or lower.

    Next, make sure you are using your entire body, particularly your legs, to give you power, not just your arm.  I had a very tiny little girl who would actually take a running start in order to give her enough power to keep her serve consistent and powerful.

    Your first goal should be to get your form correct and comfortable, and then focus on gaining power.

    A good drill would be practicing your serve, starting at the 10 foot line in front of the net, then back up half way between the 10 foot line and the serving line and practice.  Then back up to the serving line.  

    At home, if you have a wall or even right above your garage door, pick a spot you want to serve to and keep serving it there...even if you are only 5 feet away.  When that gets comfortable and consistent and your ball is bouncing off of the wall and landing behind you (because of it being so powerful) back up a few steps and start serving again.

    Good luck!!!

  3. do drills this is what we do, we just practice throwing the ball up in the air like your going to serve but just throw it up to build muscle and believe me by the time you rdone, your going to be fit as heck muscle wise and lose like 10 pounds



  4. okay so serving a volleyball overhand can be pretty tough at first, just practice a lot and you'll get the hang of it.

    the basic steps are

    1)throw the ball about head level or a little higher with the opposite hand you're gonna serve with....and step forward with the foot parallel to the hand you're throwing the ball up with..(ex: if you're right handed throw the ball up with your left hand and place your left foot out infront of you)

    2)hit the ball with the bottom of your palm(not your fingers to avoid "slapping" the ball) and follow through by extending your arm out all the way and dragging your behind foot so that your shoulders are now parallel

    another suggestion is to go on and search for overhand serving to get a few physical examples

    hope this helps!

    and good luck!

  5. Take the advice of the people above.

    I'm a good server, I play libero for my school's varsity team and I'm a sophomore, not bragging or anything. And I am NOT strong, LMAO. I have like no muscle in my arms. LOL. If I can do it, you can too! :D

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