
Volleyball serving help??

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okay so I'm in 6th grade and last year in 5th grade when we did volleyball, I could NOT serve!! I never made it over the net and last year was my first year playing. I hit the hardest I can. We're going to start volleyball soon in gym and I need help serving so. I don't think we're allowed to throw the ball up and hit with our hands (i think that's overhand?). We have to hold the ball in our left hand and make a fist with our right hand and hit the ball. When I do that though, the ball never goes over the net!! I don't know why but when I hit, I think I like throw the ball. I already keep one foot forward. Also there's a line that you have to serve from so I can't go too close. Help!!!! I hate it when people pass mean comments like "she doesn't know how to serve!" and stuff like that. I tried going on Youtube and I watched Expertvillage volleyball how to serve but I think they did overhand. Videos other than that one would be helpful, tips would also be nice, and step by step order on




  1. In 6th grade gym class, they will not let you overhand serve, which is unfortunate as when you play for a junior high school team and as a freshman, they expect you to serve overhand all the time. It seems like your gym teachers may need some help understanding how volleyball should be taught. That's not any of your problem though so let's get to the answer. :)

    To underhand serve, try these steps: (Let's assume you are right handed, if you are a lefty, take my directions opposite.

    1. Stand with your left foot slightly forward and your right foot behind you. Your feet should be a comfortable distance apart. You should be far enough away from the end line (Service line)  so that you can take a step and not go over it. You r shoulders should be above your knees

    2. Hold the ball low in your left hand, below and slightly to the right your head. Doing this will bring your back down. You should never stand straight up to underhand serve. You will get power when your body is behind the ball, not next to it. Basically, you want your arm to swing through the ball, you don't want to move the ball and your hitting arm at the same time.

    3. Contact hand - This is important - Do NOT make a fist with your serving hand, you have many points that could cause you to lose control and miss your serve.

    Use your flat open hand and hit the ball directly on your palm, If you look at your palm, there is only 1 surface as opposed to about 10, this increases your control.

    4. The Serve:

    As your hitting hand goes backward to get ready, step forward with your left foot slightly. This will help you shift your body weight to get the maximum amount of power. Contact the ball with your hitting arm slightly bent at the elbow. The height at which you should contact the ball can change based on how high you want your serve to go. If you want a high serve, hit the ball when your arm is almost parallel to the ground. If you want a fast low serve contact the ball when your arm is slightly forward than if it were straight up and down.

    (If you freeze your body immediately after the serve, you will see two things; your left foot will be pointing in the direction the ball went. Your arm will also be pointed in the same direction. This is important. As you practice, try to make sure you concentrate on where your lead foot and hitting hand follow through to. This will help you control the ball much better.)

    5. Follow through and straighten your arm and run into the curt to be ready if someone returns the ball to you.

    If you follow these steps you should be fine. However, some young kids don't have the strength yet to get the ball over while serving underhand, don't get discouraged and keep trying. Who knows, when you play varsity, maybe that underhand serve will be something you pull out of your hat on match point at the championship game.

  2. you just need to focus really hard. and take your time. and if you practice it you will get it. it takes some practicing. also make sure to hit the ball in the center or else it won't go where you want it to. and don't try to hit it with all your strength or it will go out of bounds. good luck!

  3. first off, keep your left foot toward the net, when you go to hit the ball, aim at a spot above the net, and instead of hittign the ball up, lean into it and hit it. first start off slow, then as you getter better, try to hit it harder.

    hope i helped! = ]

  4. did you try underhand????

  5. Here is the link that could be helpful for your underhand serve.

    I would make a little short comment:

    When swinging your arm, make it like the swing in grandfather clock, swing backward, and then forward to hit the ball. Make sure that you "follow through" (keep swinging up) after contacting the ball.

    I would recommend that you hit with the side (opposite to your knuckles) of your fist. That would give you more space for contact thus more control.

    In USYVL, we train young players to start serving underhand serve before switching to overhand serve. We start them at the 10-ft line, serve ten good serves them move back 5-ft, till you reach the end line. It will boost your confidence help you get the feel of your serves. Kids usually would take one to two sessions to have some good serves, usually 5 out of 10 into the court. You may check out the website and see whether you can find a site near your house. They use lower net and soft (official size) ball to help you build your confidence. You will love it.

    Have fun playing volleyball.

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