
Volleyball serving question? High school tryout tips?

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I'm trying to improve my serve agin, last season i was the best server but since then i havnt been able to serve as well as i did before. I use an overhand float serve, any tips? And also, im trying out for my high school team in a few weeks, and i'm kinda nervous, any tips?




  1. Your float serve will float more if you start farther back. And also if you put the little thing where you put the needle in on top, it will float more. Some people dont believe that but it does work, it catches the breeze from the building and floats more. Dont hold back!

  2. OMG i have the same problem. i was serving like aces a few weeks ago and i just dunno what happened. I'm not as good. I can barely make it over! My tryouts are this friday. sorry i dunno how to answer this question cuz i have the same problem and i just wanted to see what ppl say to also help me w/ my serving!

  3. Um...well, i think jump serves are the easiest serves. You get more power. And if you lift weights and improve your strength then you can definitely have a very easy jump serve.

  4. I think the overhand float serve is a killer in volleyball. I played libro for 4 years on varsity and i think  just a floater server is hard to pass cause it moves so good. Dont be nervous. Just have fun and play ur best im sure u will do good. GOOD LUCK

  5. Stay calm and make sure you stop your hand after you hit the ball and don't follow through so the ball will float.

  6. NO worries! :-) okay, so what i do for a standing float, is i take the ball put it at eye level, an arms length away, take my right hand, make it upright and vertical against the ball and pull it bak so that the tip of my thumb touches my nose...then i toss the ball only a small distance up, and basically take my right hand bak to my ear and push it foreward really fast, and it's 99.5% consistant...and for my jump serve I do the exact same thing! and it's about 98% consistent then too! sooooo GOOD LUCK!!!! and just practice practice practice and you'll do great at tryouts.

  7. possible try a jump serve although they take a while to learn just try serving it to different spots on the court

  8. well seeing as i play volleyball i think i can help you outtt lolll, well  you should practice serving into a wall, or door, such as if you have a shed or you can go to the park and go agaisnt a building, aslo you should get 6 people who are willing to help you out for a hour every couple days a week and set them up like positions on a court and yell the number you want to serve to and try to serve to that spot, your coach will like if your able to serve to any spot he tells you to, make sure your serving position is right to and your timing and height with hitting the ball, good luck !

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