
Volleyball setting/setter tips?

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i need tips for volleyball tryouts i really want to be a setter i need tips on anything that will help like things i could do to prepare myself what i should know about the setting position even words or images that go through your head that helps you set better anything that effects setting and stuff that helps explain where my setting targets should be or where a setter is positioned on the court





  1. feet toward the target.

    be sure to get the ball high enough to spike.

    and keep in mind the person's height that's spiking. some need it higher than others.

    bend your knees.

  2. i am a university setter so i have had to work on lots of things liek you said (images in my head) of what i should do

    the most important thing to to know your own hitters, knowing where to put the ball is the first as a setter you have to know all your far as setting itself goes, if you are setting power you want the ball to be at the "hitting height" about a foot inside the antenna, this way your hitter can go down the line or cross court (after practices i used to set up a chair just outside the court and try and hit it so that my distance and height was proper

    the best tip i can give (and most higher level setters use this) is after the ball is passed, as the ball is in the air take a quick peek to the other side to see where the blockers are so that you can choose who the best hitting option is...this takes a lot of practice b/c you need to refind the ball and make a good set

    as far as positioning in the back row, you need to be about 3 feet behind the blocker to cover tips, the six back player will cover line and anything on the back line, the idea setting spot is almost center court but closer to the right side, this way you are a threat to use all of your hitting options, but this is dependant on where the pass is which you cant control

    setting is pretty much mental, you are playing (i know cliche) chess with the other team, you control the game...just stay confident and remember that even the best setters in the world miss a target or make a bad set, its all part of the game

  3. Well as a setter, I have to tell you this is one of the hardest positions in sports.

    You have 2 main jobs.

    Firstly to get to that second ball almost every time, and secondly put up a hittable ball for your hitters..

    You should practise on your mechanics.

    For example practice your footwork - sets should come off of the right foot after a hopping motion.

    And also make sure you're recieving the ball correctly.

    Another thing is TOUCHES. As many as you can. You could practise against the wall, try to hit the same brick in the wall over and over..

    It would be good to get together with a hitter, and have them give you feedback after each set so that way you will develop your own system.

  4. pushups, practice setting with a basketball, thats all it takes

  5. well as far as setting, my coach tells us to almost "kiss" the ball with our hands and make  a closing motion. that will control the spin factor.

  6. Well, if tryouts are soon then you might be out of luck as this is a talent that it takes years to develop.  Deception is the key as well as taking the ball high and in the same place.  The better you are at your job, the easier your hitters with have it.  As the ball is approaching, as you get better, you will have time to glance to see what hitters are ready (or even better what blockers are not).  Establish middle and when in doubt set the opposite.  Good Luck.

  7. When you set you wanna use your finger tips and as the ball is coming down move your hands down with the ball and then hit it up so its a softer hit (it will look like your catching the ball and quickly throwing it up). Check out my set link for that.

    Theres also a bump (dig) set, for that you just have to practice bumping. Look at how they bump in the link.

  8. i was a setter in volleyball

    and first of all my coach had the setters sprint a lot

    setters are supposed to be the fastest and most aggressive she said.

    we set with basketballs to strengthen our fingers

    we'd set into the basketball hoops and at x's on the wall.

    she'd have us sit down and set too

    those are just some drills

    the positions and targets are usually up to the coach

    i hope i helped some :)

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