
Volleyball situation.?

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i'm in 8th grade and i'm a good volleyball player. When i was in 6th grade i was in starting line up and was the best now i stil should be on starting line up but am not. our coach plays favorites whether their good or not. what do i do?




  1. well i guess you should try the different position your coach put you in and if you don't like it you can just ask him/ her to switch you to your favorite position.

  2. show her you're the better player. dont kiss her ***. suck ups are just people who have no confidence in their talent that they need to insure their spot on the line up by sucking up. practice and play harder because there's really nothing else you can do. hope i could help, good luck.

  3. Wow hat stinks. I'm in 9th grade and have played volleyball since 5 th grade. I started off as not the best volleyball player, and became a great volleyball player. You should confront your coach but in a calm manner. If things don't look up, at least keep your head up! Things will look up when you get to high school volleyball!

  4. coaches play favorites it is just something we have to deal with so get over it. if u want to be on the startin line up u hav to work ur way there u cant just be put on it. u if r better then everyone else the coaches would see that and as of right now it sounds like to me that ur not as good as the other girls so get better get on the line up and stop bitchin about it cause coaches will play favorites just get over the whole thing and move on!!!!!!

  5. Are you on the same team as when you were in 6th grade? If so, perhaps the coach wants to give younger players a chance to play. If you've been on the team for three years, then you've probably played a lot. You'll be on JV next year, so he probably wants the 6th and 7th graders to have a chance.

  6. wow. thats tough! i think you should switch teams. not only is your self-confidence dwindlin but it could also be hurting your playing skills! Your coach will realize how much you helped the team once your gone. But for now you should definitely switch to a volleyball club near you! Just search around on the Internet and Im sure you'll find one. I play for a volleyball club called Pantera and its just a little bit more intense, like tournaments, practices, determination, and big commitments but it makes you better! Good luck and just make sure you're playing for a team that fully appreciates you, and your talent!

  7. Well i think you should talk to your coach and be like hey what are you doing your putting the bad people on first!

    But then again if hes spreading out then thats good.

    Like my volleyball coach was a rapist:P

    and he would put some good and some bad people in the starting line up!

    and it all worked out cause then the other half good and half bad would go on the next line up!

  8. Talk to some players and see how they feel, then tell your parents to talk to the school board or something. But don't p**s of the coach unless it's going to work, TRUST ME!
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