
Volleyball skill help?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I am 15 and am going to be a Sophmore in high school. I always liked to play volleyball, but never actually played on a real team. In gym class we've played before so I know the basics. Well this year I am going to try out for our schools team and I really don't want to get cut, because I am ok at it, and want to play. Do you have any skills or advice to give me on what to know, any special techniques or anything to help me not be behind all the other girls on the team? thanks...




  1. Number one tip: TALK! my coach always tells us to call the ball, say where it's going and such. If nobody talks during a game it can end pretty badly.

    Number two tip: Move your feet and stay low. If you're leaning back on your heels and standing straight up, you won't have enough time to get under the ball and get a good pass. BUT, if you keep your hips low and on your toes, you have more time to get under it and pass it to the setter.

    Hitting (spiking)- If you're right handed, you want your approach to be left, right, left, JUMP & swing. (If you're a lefty- right, left, right) You have to jump in order to get a good attack. When you hit the ball, you have to snap your wrist to make it go almost straight down. (I have problems with this......) If you don't it will just go out.

    Serving- In h.s. volleyball, they expect you to serve overhand all the time. You should toss the ball on the side that you hit it with (Rightys toss with their left in front of their right arm) and swing straight through, otherwise it goes out.) If you can't make the serve from the serving line, take a few steps and serve from there. Once you can serve consitantly from the spot, go back a few steps until you're serving behind the line. If you step on or over the line as you are serving, (before you hit the ball) the ref will call a foot fault and you lose service.

    If you make a mistake, don't get down on yourself. Just make any necessary adjustments and try again. Volleyball is 90% mental (so soach says). If you're behind and the other team is getting you down you're going to lose and I won't be happy if you guys aren't giving it your all. So just get back up and get the serve back to get some points.

    Good luck!

  2. Wow I just posted a question almost identical to this one. I'm going to be a sophomore, too! I need to be involved in something so I picked volleyball. We have a no-cut policy so I know I'll definetly have to play, but I don't want to look like an idiot. Good luck!

  3. well one good skill i v-ball is to stay low as in if the ball comes to you and the ball is low you can hit nicely to a parter on the court

  4. well i started playing last year and i wasnt very good in gym class, but we bought a volleyball net and marked out where the court should be. you really want to practice serving, bumping, setting, and spiking. you also need to know the positions and the rotation. if you don't have anyone to help you practice you could just use a wall to bump against.

    hope this helped!!!!!!!

  5. Hey! I know what it's like being new in a team, and all you have to do before it is run alot, and jump straigt up on a wall and reach as high as you can. Try to go somewhere that has stairs and run up and down them. Also try doing spike approaches on a wall, or is possible a net. Um... Try passing a ball at a wall and hit it as many times as you can. Also practice diving, that ALWAYS impresses a coach that you can dive, and not be scared. Trust me. I do all of these all the time, and I am THE BEST player on the team. Hope it does the same for you. Oh, and do some crunches and lift some.
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