
Volleyball spikes?

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i am horrible at spiking.

i need help on my timing. wht types of drill or excercises can i do to help me with this??

and i need to jump higher. wht excercises help me jump high?




  1. For a complete answer, see my other recent answer by clicking on my profile.

    Do not put weights on your ankles w/o doing your homework first.  These were immensly popular in the 80s for joggers but then we learned that they lead to water in the knees (when running with them).  I don't know about just jumping so do a little research first.

  2. For timing.. it took me a while to get it down too. Don't start your approach until the setter has set the ball. Depending on how high the set is, you'll have to quicken your approach or start a bit earlier. It takes some getting used to.

    Any exercise to build up your leg muscles will help you in jumping. Practice jumping with small weights strapped to your ankles. So when you take them off, it will be easier to jump, and you should be able to go a little higher.

    Also, when you're spiking, make sure to follow through. When you're doing your approach, swing your other arm to help you get more momentum and jump higher.

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck!

    Also, ask your coach is he/she has any ideas, they should be glad to help!

  3. okay, if you need to work on your quickness of getting off the ground, throw the ball up to yourself and then approach and hit it.  practice leaving when the ball has reached its highest point when its coming to you, so you can hit it right above the net.  to help you jump higher, do wall jumps, increase in number and where you are reaching for gradually.  that helps a lot.  you might also want to run some, that helps build up your leg muscles.  do sit ups, lots of them, they make you hit harder and jump higher.  

    also, one thing that helps get height, is having a fast whip on your approach, the harder you drive you arms down, the faster they come up, propelling yourself upward.

  4. side shuffling and jumping and practice spiking and remember practice makes perfect

  5. practice throwing the ball in the air and hitting it hard to the floor that helped me. because that's how i got my timing.

  6. im 5'2 and i can jump higher than that just run and jump and hope for the best.

    good luck =]

  7. what i do is i tape up some socks i don't like (individually) and i jump as high as i can and do my approach when i spike and i snap my wrist when i'm spiking it....this can really heklp you.

  8. if youjust get correct footing, jumping works better.step left-right(right after eachother) then extend the right slightly, and jumpoff both feet. really drill a lot. work the short-twitch muscle fiber
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