
Volleyball summer camp to be held in Seminole Heights

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Volleyball summer camp to be held in Seminole Heights
The Seminole Heights United Methodist Church has recently announced that it will be holding a summer camp in which children of age group of 6-12 would take part in order to play volleyball.
The purpose of the decision is to bring the younger lot outdoors rather than staying indoors and watching television. In this way, the church aims to improve both the physical as well as the mental health of the kids.
Taking active part in this endeavour is Tana Bierce, who made the following comments about the church’s summer plan for the children of Seminole Heights community, “We're trying to reach that age group to get them outside and being active. It's better for
them to be out playing volleyball than sitting inside playing video games and other lazy stuff. We'll be doing other things throughout the summer all intended to get them out and about.”
The sport of volleyball was selected for the summer camp based on its popularity with both the boys as well as the girls. Other than that, it is easy to play and does not involve a lot of preparations in order to get started. All that is needed are six players
on both side of the net tying hard for the ball not to touch their side of the court.
Other than being an easy sport to learn and play, volleyball is not new to the community of Seminole Heights. Therefore, it would create a family experience as the parents of the children would be able to relate to volleyball and participate actively as
The summer camp will not just be an informal training ground rather; two volleyball players from the Hillsborough High School have been recruited for the purpose of giving the participating children some formal training.
According to Bierce, the program will teach the kids the basic rules and regulations involved in volleyball. These lessons will take place during the week whereas on Saturday’s the children will be made to play in a round robin sort of a tournament.
The program will commence from the 15th June and last till 18 June.



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