hi pplzz well i dont know about any other school districts,but in ours for every middle school there is a A team which is the best,the B team which is for ok people and the C team for iffe people then theres also bunch of people that dont even make a team at all,well anyway i made one of the teams but i dont know which one..the coaches said that they will tell us later...and so im dying to get at least an idea of what im gonna be in so if u could tell me how many people are going to be on each team,if ur school district does the whole a b c thing..i will be reallllyyyyy thankful...see there were 47 of us trying out..i have no clue how many people made it... i dont know if there are gonna be 8 people 6 people or 12 people on each team....plzz tell me if u've expireinced something like this .......luv tina.. also its for 7th grade..