
Volleyball technique?

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Im pretty short and i play volleyball and i need to know the best work out for my legs to make them stronger so i can get up there and spike the ball. And how should i use my arms to propell myself up there?




  1. a few good leg workouts are calf raises, wall sits and just plain out running. i would say that running a few liners would be good. as for using you arms, if you are doing a three step approach, on your first step, swing ur arms slightly in front of you, on the second, swing them back as far as you can, but loosely, and on your third step as you are jumping, swing your arms up as far as they can reach. both of them, not just one. this will give you more momentum. if doing a 4 step approach, swing your arms slightly forward on the 2nd step and the rest is the same.

  2. for stronger legs i suggest doing lunges. for your mechanics: you start your approach after the setter sets the ball and the ball has reached its peak... 1. if you're right handed you want to start your approach by taking a step with your left foot. as you take that step your arms should be up loosely in front of you  [like a zombie :) ]  2.your next steps should be a quick right foot left foot steps, keep your arms up in the zombie position when you take your right foot step... as you take your left foot step (in this left foot step you land in line with your right foot, your feet should be about 6 inches apart... with toes in line. your knees should be at a slight bend) swing your arms back. when your foot lands next to your right foot, you should now look like a skiier... with your back bent over and butt sticking out, and your knees bent with arms back...your hands should look like they're reaching for something behind them. 3. you jump straight up and come straight down, and continue with your same mechanics for spiking.

    if you need more I'll be happy to help! :) I also know baseball, basketball, and volleyball.
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