
Volleyball techniques?

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are there any websites for improving volleyball tech.




  1. well..i would advice u to go to a coach for improving ur volley ball techniques rather than sitting in front of the computer[no offence] looking for websites on how to improve ur volleyball techniques

  2. ummm....... I dont know any off the top of my head but I always google what i need for volleyball!!!


  3. this are some Attacking techniques in volleyball:

    Attacking techniques in volleyball are where all the fun is at. What's better than soaring above the net and then drilling the ball down on your opponents side for the kill? So how is it done? Here...

    First thing you need long before you, the attacker, even comes into play is a great pass from your defense. Your defense needs to supply your setter with an excellent pass, so in turn, your setter is able to run the proper play, and put the ball exactly where it needs to be for you to put it through the ground.

    Second is one of the most important keys to a great attack, and that is your gather. Depending on the play you run this may vary, but the most typical gather is a one-two step. If you are a righty, you will be hitting on the left outside, (again, this is assuming you are not running a specific play)so the ball will be set from your right. Begin at the three meter line with your body facing toward your setter, then once the ball touches the setters hands, begin your gather. This is done by takin a big step toward the net with your right foot. This step should be big enough so that your right leg is bent almost to a 90 degree angle, then immediately follow this right step by bringing your left foot forward, and "gathering" your feet. From here, both your legs should be bent and you should be about 2 feet off the net. Now push up off the ground with both your legs and really focus your jump to be straight up in the air as high as you can. Do not float in any which way except up. During your gather, try to imagine your feet as springs. Have some bounce in your step for this will only help you move through your gather more smoothly and lead to a more powerful jump.

    Always keep your eye on the ball. From the moment it leaves your setters hands do not lose site of this. By knowing the location of the ball you can better time your gather and the placement of your gather so you can get the most effective hit off.

    Finally, the spike. Keep the ball in front of you! This is very important. You're timing needs to be almost impeccable to pull off a powerful kill. If you time your gather and jump correctly, the ball should b about a foot and a half in front of your chin when you are at the top of your jump. Now you need to get some power into your spike and this comes all from your shoulders and hips. Personally, when I am in the air I like to point my weak hand or my "non-hitting" hand almost straight out in front of me and my hitting hand ****** back almost as if ready to throw a fast ball. By doing this, this twists my hips and my shoulders and allows me to get more power in my swing. Then once the ball is in position about a foot in front of me and a little below my chin, I swing my hitting hand forward, and twist my hips into my swing, finishing in almost the opposite position than I started (hitting hand in front, weak hand in back).

    Things to remember: Timing, Timing, Timing. It will take a while to get comfortable with your gather and your form. But once you get it down, you will soon get a feel for the ball, and timing will become second nature to you.

    for some articles that may help you..

    pls.check this website..godbless..ü

  4. Yes! Absolutely! From watching volleyball clips of Youtube, where you can pick up things visually on how they play at a high level, to and USA volleyball's web sites... sources below!

  5. I prefer books. Go to the library and borrow some very informative ones. I recommend Championship Volleyball by Karch Kiraly. Even though it's dated, it's good. It has pictures and illustrations and everything. More important, though, is practice.

  6. I don't know how much this will help, but you should check out the videos at Stork's volleyball webpage.
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