
Volleyball tips??

by  |  earlier

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I have frosh volleyball tryouts tomorrow and I was wondering if there were any tips from you volleyball players to make me perform to the best of my abilities? Any tips for setting, passing, spiking... anything would be great. Thanks.




  1. #1: Don`t be nervous!

    #2: Have a positive additude and smile.

    #3: Be fast, always run don`t walk!

    #4: Bring LOTS of water water water!

    #5: wear knee pads, volleyball shorts, tank top, tee shirt

    p.s. GOOD LUCK! mine were last week and I made the team!

  2. Im a senior this year and Ive been on varsity for three years. Every year our freshman girls are giddy and hyper. The coolest freshmen are the girls who want to play volleyball and the girls who want to get better. I would say- be positive. be a leader. dont be afraid to tell someone else good job. If you miss, try somthing new, if that doesnt work keep trying until it does.

    Skills tips:

    1. Serving- Use a wide, strong hand and contact the ball above your head at the highest you can reach. Dont aim, just get it over and in. Its a big court, you can do it.

    2. Setting- use the pads of your fingers, not the tips. Use your legs in every set. If you want to be a setter your steps should always be left-right as you get ready to contact the ball. (this will be alot easier with experience)

    3. Hitting- A standard approach, or the way to get to the net is usually left-right-left. (If your a lefty, its opposite) Jump off of both feet. Use your arms to jump. JUMP AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE! (I'm a 5'7 Middle Blocker, if I can, you can!) Just like serving, contact the ball with a wide, strong hand. Snap your wrist and lead with your elbow. Drive your shoulder through and snap at your hip. Dont be afraid to make mistakes. If you hit it out of the back of the court, your not snapping down, or your not on top of the ball and you need to jump higher or contact higher. If you hit it out of the sidelines, your hitting the ball at an angle-you were probably facing that way. If the ball goes the opposite way you want it to- you probably have a small hand and it is "slicing" the ball in the other direction. Open your hand and hit that ball with all youve got!

    3. Passing- Remember- flat platform, (The area of your forarms you use for passing) Dont lock your fingers. Dont swing at the ball, instead, shrug your shoulders and use your legs. Do not bounce, but have complete control over where you are passing. If you are facing away from the setter, the ball will never get there. If you are open to the setter, you have a much better chance that it will go in her area.

    Have an awesome day tomorrow! I didnt mean to overload you, but thats all ive got! I have tryouts tomorrow too- so have fun and remember, BE AGGRESSIVE and BE HAPPY! THeres no rules against having fun. Do your best. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Have a good attitude.  

    Be alert.  


    Don't let people wait on you, upperclassman and coaches hates it.  

    Don't be afraid to dive for balls.  

    Always be in your ready position.  

    Remember your hitting approach when spiking.  

    Don't swing your arms when passing.

    Call the ball.


    Don't let the ball touch the floor.

    Good luck and have fun.

  4. HEY! i am a huge volleyball girl and here is what i always do...

    1. DON'T be nervous!

    2. have lots and lots of energy!

    3. if your a freshman dont go to the back of the line and be shy go out there and be first in line! say hey coach im ready what do i have to do?

    4. work as hard as u can!

    5. encourage others!

    6. HAVE FUN!!

    just go out there and show the coach you want to be there and you deserve a spot on the team! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

  5. #1 try ur best!

    #2 work the coaches u want a spot!

    #3just don't have a bad attitude! like if u mess or something!

    #4practice makes perfect!

    #5 don't be nervous!

    #6 HAVE FUN!!!!!!

    Good luck!

  6. I played volleyball for 4 years, and am now an assistant coach for my highschool vb team.  The girls attitude matters so much more than her ability to play.  If you have a great attitude practicing the coaches think that you have the ability and urge to  grow.
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