
Volleyball tips???????

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  1. Always have fun is first and foremost. Second is listen to your coach and thrid is try your best. I guess you could also have a forth and practice practice practice. These are just general tips for anyone that plays any other tips would be position specific like if your a DS watch the thumb and shoulder of the hitter, it will tell where the ball is going. Thumb up ball is going deeper, thumb sideways or down the ball is going down.etc....

  2. Stay positive.

    Wait, and go fast on approaches.

    Cut back on excess movements.  i.e. tossing super high on a serve, shoveling passes, swinging while passing

  3. BE LOUD AND TALKKK! thats the most improtant thing. also stay alert, pay attention, and move your feet constantly.  Yeah but communicating with teammates is the best way to go.

  4. you got to be able to move your feet really quick, and strong arms, get low.

  5. Always call the ball, if someone messes up shake it off. If you can't do an overhand serve perfectly and you can do underhand do underhand. It's better than losing points. When you spike the ball always jump it helps alot. Before you serve hit the ball really hard against somthing like the wall or the floor it really helps for overhand. Also get really good at digging for the balls that helps alot.

  6. talk on the need communication

    be able to jump high

    move quick

    stay low
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